Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Eight Neoplatonic commentaries are extant: seven in Greek by Porphyry, Dexippus, Ammonius, Philoponus, Olympiodorus, Simplicius, Pseudo-Elias (David), published in the series of Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca by the Berlin Academy (1882-1909, 23 volumes; this edition is reprinted by Walter de Gruyter) and one in Latin by Boethius.
Porphyry. 1887. Porphyrii Isagoge et in Aristotelis Categorias commentarium . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: IV/1, edidit Adolf Busse.
Dexippus. 1887. Dexippi In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: IV/2, edidit Adolf Busse.
Boethius. 1860. "In Categorias Aristotelis." In Manlii Severini Boethii opera omnia , edited by Migne, Jacques Paul. Paris: Garnier
Patrologia Latina, v ol. 64, colL 159A - 294C.
A critical edition and an English translation are in preparation by Monika Asztalos: "At present I am editing the text and at the same time preparing an English translation of it to appear in Ancient Commentators on Aristotle." (" Boethius on the Categories ", in Alain Galonnier (éd.), Boèce ou la chaîne des savoirs , Louvain-Paris: Éditions Peeters, 2003, p. 195.)
———. 1906. Anicii Manlii Severini Boethii In Isagogen Porphyrii commenta . Vienna: Tempsky
Copiis a Georgio Schepss comparatis suisque usus, recensuit Samuel Brandt.
Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum vol. 38.
Anastatic reprint: New York: Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1966.
First Commentary on Isagoge pp. 3-132; Second Commentary on the Isagoge pp. 135-348.
Ammonius. 1895. In Aristotelis Categorias commentarius . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: IV/4, ediddit Adolf Busse.
Philoponus. 1898. Philoponi (olim Ammonii) In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: XIII/1, ediddit Adolf Busse.
Olympiodorus. 1902. Olympiodori Prolegomena et In Categorias commentarium . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: XII/1, edidit Adolf Busse.
Simplicius. 1907. Simplicii In Aristotelis Categorias commentarium . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: VIII, edidit Karl Kalbfleisch.
Pseudo-Elias, (David). 1900. Eliae In Porphyrii Isagogen et Aristotelis Categorias commentaria . Berlin: Reimer
Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: XVIII.1, edidit Adolf Busse.
Porphyre. 2008. Commentaire aux Catégories d'Aristote . Paris: Vrin
Édition critique, traduction française, introduction et notes par Richard Bodéüs.
Szlezák, Thomas A., ed. 1972. Pseudo-Archytas über die Kategorien . Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
Vorbermerkung VII-VIII; Inhalt IX-X; Einleitung 1; Texte pp. 27-68; Übersetzung pp. 69-86; Kommentar 87; Index Verborum 189; Stellenregister 211; Literaturverzeichnis 22-226.
Ammonius. 19911. On Aristotle Categories, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by S. Marc Cohen and Gareth B. Matthews.
Dexippus. 1990. On Aristotle Categories, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by John Dillon.
Porphyry. 1992. On Aristotle Categories, Ancient Commentators on Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by Steven K. Strange.
Simplicius. 2003. On Aristotle Categories 1-4, Ancient Commentators of Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by Michael Chase.
———. 2001. On Aristotle Categories 5-6, Ancient Commentators of Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by Frans A. J. de Haas and Barrie Fleet.
———. 2002. On Aristotle Categories 7-8, Ancient Commentators of Aristotle. Londo: Duckworth
Translated by Barrie Fleet.
———. 2000. On Aristotle Categories 9-15, Ancient Commentators of Aristotle. London: Duckworth
Translated by Richard Gaskin.
Philoponus. 2014. On Aristotle Categories 1–5 with Philoponus: A Treatise Concerning the Whole and the Parts. New York: Bloomsbury
Translated by Riin Sirkel, Martin Tweedale and John Harris ; with "A Treatise Concerning the Whole and the Parts", by Philoponus translated by Daniel King.
———. 2019. On Aristotle Categories 6–15. New York: Bloomsbury
Translated by MIchael Share.
Ammonius. 2019. Interpretation of Porphyry’s Introduction to Aristotle’s Five Terms. New York: Bloomsbury
Translated by Michael Chase.
Simplicius. 1990. Commentaire sur les Catégories. Fascicule I. Introduction, Première partie (p. 1-9,3 Kalbfleisch). Leiden: Brill
Traduction commentée sous la direction de Ilsetraut Hadot.
Traduction de Philippe Hoffmann (avec la collaboration de Ilsetraut Hadot et Pierre Hadot).
Commentaire et notes à la traduction par I. Hadot avec des appendices de P. Hadot et J.-P. Mahé.
———. 2001. Commentaire sur les Catégories d'Aristote. [Fascicule II.] Chapitre 2-4. Paris: Les Belles Lettres
Traduction par Philippe Hoffmann avec la collaboration de Ilsetraut Hadot et Pierre Hadot.
Commentaire par Concetta Luna.
———. 1990. Commentaire sur les Catégories. Fascicule III. Préambule aux Catégories. Leiden: Brill
Commentaire au Premier Chapitre des Catégories (P. 21-40, 13 Kalbfleisch).
Traduction de Philippe Hoffmann (avec la collaboration d'Ilsetraut Hadot, Pierre Hadot et Concetta Luna).
Commentaire et notes à la traduction par C. Luna.
For a general bibliography on the Greek Commentators on Aristotle see: Selected bibliography on the Neoplatonic Commentators
"Ancient and Medieval Interpretations of Aristotle’s Categories." 2014. Quaestiones Disputatae no. 4.
Edited by Joseph Almeida and Sarah Klitenic Wear.
Introduction: Joseph Almeida, Sarah Klitenic Wear: Ancient and Medieval Interpretations of Aristotle’s Categories 4;
Prolegomena to the study of Aristotle’s Categories:
Lloyd P. Gerson: The Aristotelian Commentaries and Platonism 7;
Ancient Commentary
Michael Griffin: What is an aisthêton? “Ordinary things” among the Neoplatonist commentators on the Categories 24; Charlene Elsby: Plotinus on the Reality of the Category of Relation 42; Sarah Klitenic Wear: Syrianus the Platonist on Aristotle’s Categories 8a13–b24: The Ontological Place of Skhesis in Later Platonic Metaphysics 58; Joseph Almeida: Simplicius on Categories 1a16–17 and 1b25–27: An Examination of the Interests of Ancient and Modern Commentary on the Categories 73; Gary Gabor: The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius 100-113.
Anton, John Peter. 1969. "Ancient Interpretations of Aristotle's Doctrine of Homonyma." Journal of the History of Philosophy no. 7:1-18.
Reprinted as Chapter 5 in: J. P. Anton, Categories and Experience. Essays on Aristotelian Themes, Oakdale, N.Y: Dowling College Press, 1996, pp. 115-149.
"The main purpose of this paper is to offer an exposition and a critical examination of the ancient interpretations of Aristotle's doctrine of homonyma.(1) A circumlocution of what Aristotle means by homonyma things is given in Categories, ch. 1. The ancient interpretations with which we are concerned in this paper are to be found in the extant commentaries on this treatise. Evidently, more commentaries had been written on the Categories than the vicissitudes of time allowed to survive, but we have only those of the following writers: Porphyrius (c. 233-303), Dexippus (fl. c. 350), Ammonius (fl. c. 485), Philoponus (c. 490-530), Olympiodorus (fl. c. 535), Simplicius (fl. c. 533), Elias (ft. c. 550). One might add here the relevant writings of John Damascene (675-749), Photius (820-91), and Michael Psellus (1018-79), which are useful paraphrases rather than full commentaries; for that reason, the interpretations they support are not discussed in this paper.
The main body of this paper is given to a discussion of the interpretations which the ancient commentators offered and to an analysis of the assumptions which underlie them. It can be stated here in anticipation of what follows that the commentators often attached to Aristotle's meaning of homonyma aspects that were quite foreign to his views and that by doing so these commentators were taking extensive liberties with the text at hand. As we hope to show, the commentators brought into their discussions of this particular portion of the Categories issues and views that were far more relevant to their own ontologies and logical theories than to Aristotle's doctrines. In order to show how this is the case, we must first give a summary of what we believe our text permits us to say about the meaning of homonyma, as given in the opening chapter of the Categories. Suffice it to add at this point that the interpretations of the doctrine of homonyma with which we are concerned here are only those that are discussed exclusively in the relevant commentaries on this work." (pp. 115-116)
(1) This essay, the second of a two-part article, was originally published in The Journal of the History of Philosophy, VII/1 (1969), 36-57, and is printed with minor changes. It was based on an invited paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy in New York City, Dec. 27, 1965. For a full discussion of the doctrine of homonyma and the background against which it can be understood, see my “The Aristotelian Doctrine of homonyma in the Categories and its Platonic Antecedents,” also in The Journal of the History of Philosophy VI, 4 (Oct., 1968), 315-326). I tried to show in that paper how Aristotle's formulation is indebted linguistically to Plato but was worked out not in response to Plato's usage but to his own philosophical position and as part of his logical apparatus to attack the Speusippean wing of the Academy. On the whole, the textual evidence from the Platonic writings indicates clearly that Plato had not proposed a technical use of homonyma. Speusippus and Aristotle, however, offered two different and opposing technical formulations intended to fit their respective ontologies.
———. 1981. "Aristotle's Theory of Categories and Post-Classical Ontologies." In Proceedings of the World Congress on Aristotle. Thessaloniki August 7-14, 1978, 214-220. Athens: Ministry of Culture and Sciences.
Reprinted as Chapter 8 in: J. P. Anton, Categories and Experience. Essays on Aristotelian Themes, Oakdale, N.Y: Dowling College Press, 1996, pp. 203-213.
Asztalos, Monika. 1993. "Boethius as a transmitter of Greek logic to the Latin West: the Categories." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology no. 95:367-407.
———. 2003. "Boethius on the Categories." In Boèce ou la chaîne des savoirs. Actes du colloque international de la Fondation Singer-Polignac Paris, 8-12 juin 1999, edited by Galonnier, Alain, 195-205. Louvain: Éditions Peeters.
Aubenque, Pierre. 1985. "Plotin et Dexippe, exégètes des Catégories d'Aristote." In Aristotelica. Mélanges offerts à Marcel de Corte, 7-40. Bruxelles: Ousia.
Repris dans P. Aubenque, Problèmes aristotéliciens. I: Philosophie théorique, Paris: Vrin 2009, pp. 281-304.
Baltussen, Han. 2008. Philosopy and Exegesis in Simplicius. The Methodology of a Commentator. London: Duckworth.
Baltzly, Dirk. 1998. "Porphyry and Plotinus on the Reality of Relations." Journal of Neoplatonic Studies no. 6:49-75.
Barnes, Jonathan. 2005. "Les Catégories et les catégories." In Les Catégories et leur histoire, edited by Bruun, Otto and Corti, Lorenzo, 11-80. Paris: Vrin.
"Bien que maintes préfaces affirment le contraire, les actes d’un colloque ne constituent jamais un livre. Les Actes du Colloque de Genève ne font pas exception: même si un thème commun les unifie, ils ne racontent pas une histoire linéaire. C’est pourquoi nous avons ajouté aux Actes une longue introduction. Ce chapitre, Les Catégories et les Catégories, de la plume de Jonathan Bames, vise à esquisser, dans ses grandes lignes, l’histoire des Catégories d’Aristote et de la théorie aristotélicienne des Catégories, et d’y encadrer les différents épisodes décrits par chacun des chapitres suivants. Un lecteur qui voudrait lire ce volume comme on parcourerait un livre pourrait donc suivre le texte de l’introduction, tout en y intercalant les chapitres là où une note en bas de page les mentionne. L’index nominum et rerum, l’index locorum et la bibliographie, qui se trouvent à la fin de ce volume et qui s’appliquent à tous les chapitres, lui permettront d’établir d’autres liens entre eux." (Préface, 7)
Bärthlein, Karl. 1990. "Zur Kategorienforschung in der Antike." In Kategorie und Kategorialität. Historisch-systematische Untersuchungen zum Begriff der Kategorie im philosophischen Denken. Festschrift für Klaus Hartmann zum 65. Geburtstag, edited by Koch, Dietmer and Bort, Klaus, 13-48. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
Bechtle, Gerald. 2008. "Metaphysicizing the Aristotelian « Categories »: two references to the « Parmenides » in Simplicius' « Commentary on the Categories » (Simplicius, In Categorias 4 [CAG 8, 75, 6 Kalbfleisch] and In Categorias 8 [291, 2 K.])." Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum no. 12:150-165.
Berchman, Robert M. 1992. "Origen on The Categories: A Study in Later Platonic First Principles." In Origeniana Quinta. Papers of the 5th International Origen Congress Boston College, 14-18 August 1989, edited by Daly, Robert J., 231-252. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
Blumenthal, Henry. 1981. "Pseudo-Elias and the Isagoge Commentaries Again." Rheinisches Museum no. 124:188-192.
Bodéüs, Richard. 1997. "Le texte grec des "Catégories" d'Aristote et le témoignage du Commentaire de Porphyre." Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale no. 8:121-141.
———. 2001. "Les interlocuteurs fictifs dans le commentaire de Porphyre aux Catégories d'Aristote. Une mise au point." Revue des Sciences Philosophiques et Théologiques no. 85:669-678.
Boys-Stones, George. 2017. "Are We Nearly There Yet? Eudorus on Aristotle’s Categories." In From Stoicism to Platonism: The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE–100 CE, edited by Engberg-Pedersen, Troels, 67-79. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Cardullo, R. Loredana. 2014. "Sulla categoria aristotelica della sostanza. Variazioni esegetiche da Plotino ad Ammonio." Peitho. Examina Antiqua no. 5:59-89.
———. 19977. "La Νοερα θεωρία di Giamblico, come chiave di lettura delle Categorie di Aristotele: alcuni esempi." Syllecta Classica no. 8:79-94.
Chase, Michael. 2000. "Études sur le commentaire de Porphyre aux Catégories d'Aristote adressé à Gédalios." Annuaires de l'École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences religieuses no. 108:505-510.
Chiaradonna, Riccardo. 2004. "The Categories and the Status of the physical World: Plotinus and the Neo-Platonic Commentators." In Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Vol. I, edited by Adamson, Peter, Baltussen, Han and Stone, Martin William Francis, 121-136. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London.
———. 2009. "Autour d'Eudore : Les débuts de l'exégèse des Catégories dans le Moyen Platonisme." In The Origins of the Platonic System. Platonisms of the Early Empire and their Philosophical Contexts, edited by Bonazzi, Mauro and Opsomer, Jan, 89-111. Louvain: Peeters.
———. 2013. "Platonist approaches to Aristotle: from Antiochus of Ascalon to Eudorus of Alexandria (and beyond)." In Aristotle, Plato, and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC, edited by Schofield, Malcolm, 28-52. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
———. 2020. "Boethus of Sidon on Forms and Qualities: Some Remark." Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale no. 31:39-56.
———. 2020. "Boethus of Sidon on Forms and Qualities: Some Remarks." Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale no. 31:39-56.
Chiaradonna, Riccardo, Rashed, Marwan, and Sedley, David. 2013. "A Rediscovered Categories Commentary." Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy no. 44:129-194.
Reprinted as Chapter 8 in R. Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Re-Interpreted. New Findings on Seven Hundred Years of the Ancient Commentators, London: Bloomsbury, 2016, pp. 313-325.
Chiesa, Curzio. 2005. "Porphyre et le problème de la substance des Catégories." In Les Catégories et leur histoire, edited by Bruun, Otto and Corti, Lorenzo, 81-101. Paris: Vrin.
Chriti, Maria. 2019. "Neoplatonic Word Classes that Designate Aristotle’s Categories." Blityri no. 8:17-32.
Abstract: "The subject of this paper is the way that Neoplatonic commentators on Aristotle treat the word classes that designate the philosopher’s categories.
In the Categories Aristotle provides us with the first “model” of a conceptual classification. These classes are designated by specific linguistic utterances, the possible categorization of which has been puzzling thinkers and scholars ever since antiquity: why did the philosopher choose these specific terms for his categories? Neoplatonic philosophers who comment on the first logical treatise believe that only certain linguistic utterances can render Aristotle’s ten classes and their approach emerges from: i) the treatment of the Categories’ purpose, as related to the subject matter of On Interpretation; ii) their discussion of the ‘parts of expression’ (lexis) in connection with the grammatical ‘parts of speech’ (logos)."
Conti, Alessandro Domenico. 1983. "La teoria della relazione nei commentatori neoplatonici delle Categorie di Aristotele." Rivista Critica di Storia della Filosofia no. 38:259-283.
Courtine, Jean-François. 1980. "Note complémentaire pour l'histoire du vocabulaire de l'être. Les traductions latines d' ousía et la compréhension romano-stoïcienne de l'être." In Concepts et Catégories de la pensée antique, edited by Aubenque, Pierre, 33-87. Paris: Vrin.
Repris dans J.-F. Courtine, Les catégories de l'être. Études de philosophie ancienne et médiévale, Paris: Press Universitaires de France, 2003, pp. 11-77.
de Haas, Frans A, J. 2001. "Did Plotinus and Porphyry disagree on Aristotle's Categories?" Phronesis.A Journal for Ancient Philosophy no. 46:492-526.
Dillon, John. 1997. "Iamblichus' Νοερα θεωρία of Aristotle's Categories." Syllecta Classica no. 8:65-77.
"An examination of Simplicius In Cat. 2, 5-9ff ; 3, 10-17 ; 13, 4ff ; and 13, 13-16 shows that Iamblichus applied his allegorical technique of interpretation to the Categories, which he read as a coherent description of the Neoplatonic intelligible world. Two important features of his noerà theoria were the search for ontological rather than merely logical explanations, and discreteness and continuity as manifestations of the power of the One."
Doucet, Dominique. 2001. "Augustin, Confessions 4, 16, 28-29, Soliloques 2, 20, 34-36 et les « Commentaires des Catégories »." Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica no. 93:372-392.
Ebbesen, Sten. 1981. "The contribution of the Greek Commentators on the Organon to the formation of Western Scholasticism." In Proceedings of the World Congress on Aristotle. Thessaloniki August 7-14, 1978 (Vol. 1 of four), 183-186. Athens: Publication of the Ministry of Culture and Science.
———. 1987. "Boethius as an Aristotelian Commentator." In Aristoteles. Werk und Wirkung. (Vol. II), edited by Wiesner, Jürgen, 266-311. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Reprinted in: R. Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed, London: Duckworth, 1990, pp- 373-391.
Ellis, John. 1994. "Alexander’s Defense of Aristotle’s Categories." Phronesis.A Journal for Ancient Philosophy no. 39:69-89.
Evangeliou, Christos. 1985. "Aristotle's Doctrine of Predicables and Porphyry's Isagoge." Journal of the History of Philosophy no. 23:15-34.
"Porphyry has recently been criticized for "muddling" Aristotle's doctrine of predicables by adding species to the list. I argue that a careful comparison of the two lists shows that they differ more profoundly than Porphyry's critics suspect, and that these modern critics, unlike the ancient commentators, have been mislead by the title of Isagoge which they interpret as "Introduction" to Topics or Categories exclusively. it is shown that this is not the case."
———. 1988. Aristotle's Categories and Porphyry. Leiden: Brill.
Falcon, Andrea. 2018. "The Early Reception of Aristotle’s Categories: Comments on Michael Griffin." Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale no. 29:1-12.
Abstract: "Griffin’s book [*] provides a compelling narrative to tell the intricate story of the rediscovery of the Categories and its subsequent appropriation by philosophers working in different traditions between Andronicus of Rhodes (first century BC) and Alexander of Aphrodisias (late second and early third century AD). Andronicus is clearly the hero in this story. By placing the logical writings at the outset of the Aristotelian corpus, and the Categories at the head of the logical writings, Andronicus gave a prominent position to this hitherto obscure work. But a slightly different story could be told. In this alternative story, the focus is shifted away from Andronicus of Rhodes in order to concentrate on Boethus of Sidon (first century BC) and his important contribution to the reception of the Categories in the ancient commentary tradition."
[*] M. Griffin, Aristotle's Categories in the Early Roman Empire, 2015.
Flannery, Kevin L. 1999. "The Synonymy of Homonyms." Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie no. 81:268-289.
Frede, Michael. 2005. "Les Catégories d'Aristote chez les Pères de l'Église Grecs." In Les Catégories et leur histoire, edited by Bruun, Otto and Corti, Lorenzo, 135-173. Paris: Vrin.
Furlani, Giuseppe. 1933. "Le Categorie e gli Ermeneutici di Aristotele nella versione siriaca di Giorgio delle Nazioni." Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Roma) Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche no. 5.
Gabor, Gary. 2014. "The Justification and Derivation of Aristotle’s Categories in Ammonius and Simplicius." Quaestiones Disputatae no. 4:99-112.
Gambra, José Miguel. 2015. "To Be in a Subject and Accident." Vivarium no. 53:170-193.
Abstract: "Boethius identifies beings that are in a subject with what the Scholastics called predicamental accident, and predication by accident with the predication of what is in a subject. The first of these questionable assimilations went on to become terminology commonly accepted by Scholastics of all eras. On the other hand, the second, whichseems quite consistent with the thinking of Aristotle, was only admitted with many reservations, probably because of the bewildering claims of Aristotle in Cat. 5, 2a27-34 about the predication of what is in the subject. In what follows I will try to show how these phrases, properly understood, are consistent with the idea that what is in the subject is said by accident of the substance, although they implicate a difficulty poorly resolved by Boethius himself and those who followed him on this point, of whom I will only mention by way of example some Scholastics from the 16th century."
Gannagé, Emma. 2005. "Sur les « Catégories » d'Aristote un fragment inédit en version arabe." Mélanges de l'Université Saint-Joseph no. 58:81-106.
Gaskin, Richard. 1998. "Simplicius on the Meaning of Sentences: A Commentary on 'In Cat. 396,30 - 397,28'." Phronesis.A Journal for Ancient Philosophy no. 43:42-62.
Abstract: "At Categories 12b5-16 Aristotle appears to regard the referents of declarative sentences, such as 'Socrates is sitting,' as what later writers were to call 'complexe significabilia', i.e., items such as 'that Socrates is sitting'. Simplicius's discussion of this passage in his commentary on the Categories clearly shows the influence of Stoic philosophy of language; but, if we follow the text printed by Kalbfleisch, Simplicius's commentary is seen to be a muddle of Stoic and Aristotelian elements, neither properly understood. It is possible, however, by making a crucial emendation. On that line Simplicius would be adopting the view that a declarative sentence refers to a thought in the first instance and a 'complexe significabile' in the second instance. This view is plausibly the upshot of combining the Categories text with the first chapter of De Interpretatione."
Georr, Khalil. 1948. Les Catégories d'Aristote dans leurs versions syro-arabes. Beyrouth.
Gerson, Lloyd P. 2005. Aristotle and other Platonists. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Chapter 3: The Categories of Reality pp. 76-100.
Gioè, Adriano. 1993. "Severo, il medioplatonismo e le categorie." Elenchos no. 14:35-53.
Gottschalk, Hans B. 1990. "The Earliest Aristotelian Commentators." In Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators andTheir Influence, edited by Sorabji, Richard, 55-81. London: Duckworth.
Granata, Daniele. 2016. "The Practice of ὀνοματοποιεῖν: Some Peculiar Statements in the Ancient Neoplatonic Commentators on Aristotle." Peitho. Examina Antiqua no. 7:215-228.
Abstract: "This paper shows the role of ὀνοματοποιεῖν in Neoplatonism and how this practice is ruled by an onto-logical canon. While ὀνοματοποιεῖν itself means the making of a brand new name, its usage is manifold.
As Aristotle explains in Rh. III 2, poets take advantage of ὀνοματοποιεῖν to catch the undefined and give it a recognisable image, by means of a metaphorical name. In science, this practice, codified by Aristotle, is twofold: ὀνοματοποιεῖν meant both to re-semanticize words well known and to create names ex novo for things not discovered or studied yet. After analysing ὀνοματοποιεῖν’s recurrence in Aristotle, I illustrate that, according to Neoplatonic Commentators, impositio can be, both natural and technical, only of things in actuality, having a solid consistency.
Intermediates between contraries, presumed relatives and powers as qualities are nameless – as Philoponus notices in his In Categorias – since they haven’t an independent status and aren’t definable. This bond between the original rhetorical practice and the ontological perspective, sketched in Int. 1, was strengthened by Alexander, who filled Aristotle’s gaps, stating that names signify things’ being, i.e. the form acquired in actuality."
Granieri, Roberto. 2021. "Xenocrates and the Two-Category Scheme." Apeiron no. 54:261-285.
Abstract: "Simplicius reports that Xenocrates and Andronicus reproached Aristotle for positing an excessive number of categories, which can conveniently be reduced to two: τὰ καθ᾽αὑτά and τὰ πρός τι. Simplicius, followed by several modern commentators, interprets this move as being equivalent to a division into substance and accidents. I aim to show that, as far as Xenocrates is concerned, this interpretation is untenable and that the substance-accidents contrast cannot be equivalent to Xenocrates’ per se-relative one. Rather, Xenocrates aimed to stress the primacy of Plato’s binary distinction of beings, as presented at Sophist 255c13–4, over Aristotle’s list of the categories."
Griffin, Michael J. 2012. "What has Aristotelian dialectic to offer a Neoplatonist? A possible sample of Iamblichus at Simplicius on the Categories 12,10-13,12." International Journal of the Platonic Tradition no. 6:173-185.
———. 2012. "What does Aristotle Categorize? Semantics and the Early Peripatetic Reading of the « Categories »." Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London no. 55:69-108.
"One of the more provocative mysteries of later ancient philosophy is how Porphyry came to situate the Categories of Aristotle at the outset of the nascent Neoplatonic curriculum." (p. 69)
"In this essay, I would like to offer a possible explanation for the tension that I have attributed to Porphyry above, which I think also sheds light on the early surge of interest in the Categories. Specifically, I will argue that the protreptic to the study of the Categories contained mainly in Porphyry’s shorter surviving commentary By question and answer – that is, the ‘semantic’ treatment of the Categories as a map of the genera of being, only insofar as it is a map of the genera of simple, significant terms – is derived more or less unaltered from a Peripatetic tradition dating to Andronicus of Rhodes, while Porphyry’s own critical response to this tradition was developed primarily in his longer, now lost commentary addressed To Gedalius. The former semantic theory, I argue, has been somewhat blurred by our effort to filter it through the lens of the rather different theory from which Porphyry, in his longer commentary, developed his own considered view." (p. 72)
"Through this sketch of the evidence, I hope to have suggested that there is, in any case, more to the ‘bipartite’ theory than a compendious treatment or compression of the ‘tripartite’ material by Porphyry, and that attention should be drawn to it as a separate and distinct layer of the tradition. I have also explored some of the ways in which both ‘layers’ may be seen as predating Porphyry, while Porphyry’s approach to the Categories in the shorter commentary could be seen as building on an earlier source." (p. 90)
In Appendix: I. Selected texts on the Semantical Reading of Categories 93-96; II. Analysis & context of the ‘bipartite’ theory 96-101; III. Early Sources for T9 and the bipartite reading 101.
———. 2013. "Which 'Athenodorus' Commented on Aristotle's Categories?" The Classical Quarterly no. 63:199-208.
———. 2015. Aristotle's Categories in the Early Roman Empire. New York: Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: "In this contribution, I respond to several points raised by Andrea Falcon, Stephen Menn, and Riccardo Chiaradonna in the course of their engagements with my monograph Aristotle’s Categories in the Early Roman Empire. In particular, I reply to concerns raised by Falcon about my reliance on evidence from Ptolemy for Andronicus’ catalogue, and try to situate more clearly my focus on Andronicus’
pedagogical treatment of the Categories within the wider context of evolving scholarship on its early reception. In response to challenges raised by Menn, I also argue in favour of Andronicus’ interest in a
principled distinction between essential and accidental predication, and defend the value of Boethius’ De Divisione as a witness to Andronicus, while highlighting Menn’s ingenious reconstruction of Andronicus’ interpretation of the ‘said of’ and ‘in’ relations in Categories, 2. Finally, in response to concerns raised by Chiaradonna in the opening chapter of Rashed and Chiaradonna’s new and standard setting edition and discussion of Boethus of Sidon, I offer a provisional justification for my attribution to Andronicus and Boethus of a pedagogical view about the elementary articulation of kinds of
predication, motivating the introductory role of the Categories in logic and philosophy."
Haas, Frans 1997. John Philoponus' New Definition of Prime Matter. Aspects of His Background in Neoplatonism and the Ancient Commentary Tradition. Leiden: Brill.
Chapter four: Second Objection: A Category Mistake, pp. 165-250.
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"Le present article décrit les différents types de schémas introductifs contenus dans les commentaires des néoplatoniciens tardifs sur les oeuvres d'Aristote et de Platon, en essayant de determiner leur signification exégétique ainsi que l'origine de plusieurs d'entre eux. Il apparait que les deux schémas en dix points qui introduisent respectivement à la philosophie d'Aristote et à celle de Platon ont de toute vraisemblance eté codifiés par Proclus au V siècle de notre ère, tandis que certains points des schémas en six points introduisant aux différents traités d'Aristote ou aux divers dialogues de Platon apparaissent déjà au III siècle chez Origène qui a dû s'inspirer des commentaires platoniciens de son temps."
———. 1991. "The Role of the Commentaries on Aristotle in the Teaching of Philosophy According to the Prefaces of the Neoplatonic Commentaries on the Categories." In Aristotle and the Later Tradition, edited by Blumenthal, Henry and Robinson, Howard, 175-189. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
———. 1992. "Aristote dans l'enseignement philosophique neo-Platonicien: les Préfaces des Commentaires sur les Catégories." Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie no. 124:407-426.
Résumé: "Cet article répresente une contribution de plus à ma critique générale des thèses de Praechter selon lesquelles l'école neo-Platonicienne dite "d'Alexandrie" se distinguerait, non seulement par le lieu de son enseignement, de celle dite "d'Athènes", mais encore et surtout par ses doctrines philosophiques et par son attitude envers l'oeuvre d'Aristote. La comparison entre elles des Prefaces des cinq commentaires neo-Platoniciens des Catégories d'Aristote, dont l'un, celui de Simplicius, appartiendrait, selon Praechter, a l'école d'Alexandrie, fait apparaítre la concordance fondamentale de la philosophie neo-Platonicienne qui était enseignée à Athènes avec celle qui était enseignée à Alexandrie: toutes deux interprètent la philosophie d'Aristote dans la même perspective neo-Platonicienne et la même volonté d'harmoniser Platon et Aristote."
Hadot, Pierre. 1959. "Un fragment du commentaire perdu de Boèce sur les Catégories d'Aristote dans le codex Bernensis 363." Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge no. 26:11-27.
Repris dans P. Hadot, Plotin, Porphyre. Études néoplatoniciennes, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999, pp. 383-410.
———. 1974. "The Harmony of Plotinus and Aristotle According to Porphyry." In Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators and Their Influence, edited by Sorabji, Richard, 125-140. London: Duckworth.
English translation of: "L'armonie des philosophies de Plotin et d'Aristote selon Porphyre dans le commentaire de Dexippe sur les Catégories", in: Plotino ed il Neoplatonismo in Oriente e in Occidente, Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1974, pp. 31-47.
———. 1974. "L'harmonie des philosophies de Plotin et d'Aristote selon Porphyre dans le commentaire de Dexippe sur les Catégories." In Atti del Convegno internazionale sul tema: Plotino e il neoplatonismo in Oriente e in Occidente : (Roma, 5-9 ottobre 1970), 31-47. Roma: Accademia nazionale de Lincei.
Repris dans P. Hadot, Porphyre: Études néoplatoniciennes, Paris: Les Belles Lettres 1999, pp. 355-382.
———. 1980. "Sur divers sens du mot pragma dans la tradition philosophique grecque." In Concepts et catégories dans la pensée antique, edited by Aubenque, Pierre, 309-319. Paris: Vrin.
Repris dans P. Hadot, Études de philosophie ancienne, Paris: Les Belles Lettes 2010, pp. 61-76.
"Les articles consacrés au mot pragma dans les dictionnaires de la langue grecque sont en général assez longs et ils énumèrent d’habitude les sens suivants : au singulier, le résultat de l’action, l’action elle-même, l’affaire, notamment au sens juridique, le sujet en question, la chose comme réalité concrète ; au pluriel, les circonstances, les affaires de l’état, les ennuis et désagréments. Mais il se trouve assez souvent que le mot pragma prend, dans les textes philosophiques, des sens techniques très précis, pour lesquels les dictionnaires apportent peu de secours. Il est vrai que, dans ces cas difficiles, les traducteurs en difficulté recourent la plupart du temps au mot « chose » ou au mot « fait » qui permettent, par leur généralité et leur imprécision, de dissimuler le problème. La présente étude voudrait recenser quelques-uns de ces sens techniques du mot pragma et en laisser entrevoir l’arrière-plan rhétorique et philosophique." (p. 309)
"Nous avons donc étudié six types d’emplois différents du mot pragma dans la langue philosophique grecque. Ces emplois sont, en général, étroitement liés. De la notion de « ce dont on parle », on passe naturellement à celle de « sens », de « contenu conceptuel », d’« unité de sens » et d’« incorporel ». Dans tous ces sens, pragma est étroitement lié au discours et à la pensée. Il est dangereux de traduire, dans ces cas, pragma par le mot « chose », si l’on entend par « chose » une réalité extralinguistique, indépendante, extérieure à la pensée et au discours, alors que, précisément, pragma connote très souvent un rapport au discours et à la pensée. Ou bien alors, il faudrait réviser complètement la notion traditionnelle de « chose ». La présente étude pourrait ainsi apporter une modeste contribution à la réflexion sur des notions les plus confuses et pourtant les plus centrales de la tradition philosophique." (p. 319)
———. 1985. "Les commentaires de Boèce et de Porphyre sur les Catégories d'Aristote." Annuaire de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes. V Section, Sciences Religieuses no. 93:335-337.
Henry, Paul. 1973. "Trois apories orales de Plotin sur les Catégories d'Aristote." In Zetesis : Album amicorum door vrienden en collega's aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. E. de Strycker ter gelegenheid van zijn 65e verjaardag, 234-265. Antwerpen: De Nederlandsche boekhandel.
Hijsmans, B. L. 1975. "Athenodorus on the Categories and a Pun on Athenodorus." In Kephalaion: Studies in Greek Philosophy and its Continuation Offered to Professor C. J. de Vogel, edited by Mansfeld, Jaap and de Rijk, Lambertus Marie, 105-114. Assen: Van Gorcum.
Hoffmann, Philippe. 1980. "Les catégories ποῦ et ποτέ chez Aristote et Simplicius." In Concepts et Catégories dans la pensée antique, edited by Aubenque, Pierre, 217-245. Paris: Vrin.
"L’exposé que l’on va lire ne se propose pas d’étudier les concepts de lieu (τόπος) et de temps chez Aristote et son commentateur Simplicius (1), mais de scruter les quelques indications qu’Aristote, dans son Traité des Catégories, nous donne sur les prédicats ποῦ et ποτέ, ou que l’on peut trouver dans certains passages de Physique IV. La matière fournie par les textes aristotéliciens étant peu abondante, notre attention se portera principalement sur le Commentaire de Simplicius.
Si les catégories ποῦ et ποτέ ne se confondent pas avec les concepts de lieu et de temps, c’est pourtant par rapport à eux, c’est-à-dire par différence avec eux, qu’elles prennent sens et consistance. C’est pourquoi, et bien que ce ne soit qu’à titre secondaire, la méditation sur le temps et le lieu nourrit le commentaire de Simplicius, chez qui elle fonde (ainsi d’ailleurs que chez nombre de commentateurs antérieurs) l’ordre relatif des deux catégories : selon que le temps, ou le lieu, est considéré comme plus « proche » de l’essence, plus « apparenté » à elle, la catégorie ποτέ (ou la catégorie ποῦ) se situera plus près de Ουσία dans la liste des catégories. Tel étant le critère du classement, l’analyse catégoriale court toujours le risque d’être remplacée par une étude « physique » du temps ou du lieu. Mais Simplicius situe la doctrine des catégories au niveau d’une étude des signifiés et des significations. Un second danger se présente alors, qui est de confondre l’analyse catégoriale et l’analyse grammaticale des « parties du discours ». En effet, les catégoriesποῦ et ποτέ correspondent presque exclusivement à deux classes d’adverbes, qui sont, respectivement, les adverbes de lieu et les adverbes de temps(2).
Nous verrons que Simplicius, analysant et classant les significations des adverbes (et compléments) de lieu, ne fait que reprendre, sur ce point, la doctrine grammaticale classique, telle qu’on la voit exposée dans la Grammaire de Denys le Thrace, dans les Scholies relatives à cette Grammaire, ou chez un auteur comme Apollonius Dyscole. Guidé par l’idée d’une étroite parenté entre les catégories kou et ttots, Simplicius étudie les adverbes de temps en suivant comme modèle la doctrine grammaticale des adverbes de lieu.
A la suite de Jamblique, il défend contre les attaques de Plotin la thèse soutenue par Aristote dans son Traité des Catégories : twk et koü sont des catégories distinctes et propres, tandis que temps et lieu relèvent de la quantité. Pour fonder cette distinction, Jamblique et Simplicius établissent que koü signifie « la relation au lieu de ce qui est dans le lieu », et 7cot£ « la relation au temps de ce qui est dans le temps ». D’autre part, koü et 7cot£ se différencient des relatifs, en ce que la relation constitutive de ces derniers est convertible, ce qui n’est pas le cas de la relation constitutive de ces deux catégories : il s’agit, par exemple, de la relation au lieu de ce qui est dans le lieu, et non de la relation du lieu à ce qui est en lui." (pp. 217-218)
(1) Aristote, Traité des Catégories, ch. IV, 1 b 25 - 2 a 10 ; 11 b 10-15. Simplicius, Commentaria in Aristolelem Graeca VIII, pp. 340-364.
(2) Cette affirmation peut sembler contestable, du fait que les exemples donnés par Aristote et repris par les commentateurs sont « έν Λυκειώ », « έν αγορά », et ne sont pas à proprement parler des adverbes. On peut répondre à cela que le « titre » de la catégorie est un adverbe, et que Simplicius, à la suite, semble-t-il, des grammairiens, établit une équivalence sémantique entre de telles expressions et les adverbes de lieu : c’est cette équivalence qui nous importe, puisque la table des catégories est issue, aux yeux de Simplicius, d’une analyse des significations.
———. 1985. "Sens et dénomination: Homonymie, analogie, métaphore selon le Commentaire de Simplicius sur les Catégories d'Aristote." Annuaire de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études.Section des Sciences Religieuses no. 93:343-356.
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See in particular Chapters 6. Plotinus pp. 216-242 and 7. Porphyry pp. 243-330.
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Reprinted as Chapter II in: John Marenbon, Aristotelian Logic, Platonism, and the Context of Early Medieval Philosophy in the West, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
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Reprinted as Chapter IX in: John Marenbon, Aristotelian Logic, Platonism, and the Context of Early Medieval Philosophy in the West, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000.
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Abstract: "Griffin, Rashed, and Chiaradonna have shown how we can use Simplicius’ Categories commentary to reconstruct much of Porphyry’s greater Categories commentary (also witnessed by the Archimedes Palimpsest), and then use this to reconstruct much of the work of Boethus, and to a lesser extent Andronicus, on the Categories. In some cases building on Griffin, in other cases disagreeing with him, I bring out some ways in which Andronicus and Boethus differ from most later interpreters; this can help us understand Alexander’s and Porphyry’s responses. I reconstruct (i) Andronicus’ interpretation of ‘in’ and ‘said of’, which is based on Aristotle’s distinction between abstract nouns and paronymous concrete nouns, and avoids the metaphysical freight that later interpreters load onto the notion of ‘said of’; (ii) Boethus’ use of De Interpretatione 1 to explain how a universal term can be synonymous without positing either universals in re or Stoic λεκτά, and the consequences he draws for the different aims of the Categories and De
Interpretatione; and (iii) Boethus’ solution to the tension between Aristotle’s hylomorphism and the Categories’ account of substance. Boethus, unlike later interpreters, thinks the form is in the matter, and is therefore not a substance but (typically) a quality, but that it is nonetheless able to constitute the composite as a substance distinct from the matter. I bring out the Aristotelian basis for Boethus’ reading, connect it with Boethus’ accounts of differentiae and of the soul, and show how Boethus’ views help motivate Porphyry’s responses. In some cases Porphyry constructs his views by triangulating between Boethus and Alexander."
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"Pourquoi les commentateurs antiques, tel Simplicius, estimaient-ils que les Catégories devaient être lues préalablement aux œuvres de logique ? Dans quel sens pensaient-ils que l’étude de la logique présupposecelle de) la doctrine des catégories ?
Les commentateurs affirment que les Catégories constituent l’introduction naturelle à l’Organon, lequel sert à son tour d’ouverture au reste du corpus aristotélicien. Il n’est peut-être pas inutile de traiter brièvement des raisons sur lesquelles ils se fondent pour considérer l'Organon comme I'introduction appropriée à l’ensemble du corpus. Cela exerce en effet une certaine influence sur les motifs avancés par les commentateurs qui regardent les Catégories comme l’ouverture de l'Organon.
Ammonius, Simplicius, Élias et Philopon débutent tous leurs commentaires sur les Catégories par dix questions relatives à l’étude du corpus aristotélicien(2). Cela est dû au fait que les Catégories constituent l'ouverture traditionnelle du corpus aristotélicien. Il ne semble pas qu’il existe une unité particulière entre les questions et on pourrait en soulever davantage ; il est difficile de résister à la pensée peu charitable que le nombre de dix ait pris une certaine signification en raison des dix catégories." (p. 103)
"Parmi ces questions, celles qui nous intéressent dans la liste principale concernent la nature du corpus aristotélicien, la subdivision des écrits, et l’endroit où nous devons débuter la lecture ; dans la sous-liste générée par la dixième question, [Pour chaque traité d’Aristote, quels sont les principaux points à examiner, combien sont-ils et quelle est leur justification?] notre intérêt porte sur le problème de l’utilité des Catégories et de leur place dans l’ordre de lecture des œuvres d’Aristote."
Texte traduit de l’anglais par Annick Weizmann.
(2) Proclus semble être l’auteur de ces questions (Élias, In Cat. 107.24-6). Quelques commentaires consacrés à d’autres œuvres possèdent également les mêmes questions. Voir K. Praechter, compte rendu des Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, dans Byzantinische Zeitschrift, XVIII, 1909, p. 516-538. [Traduction anglaise: Karl Praechter: Review of the Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca, in: Richard Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed, London: Duckworth 1990, pp. 31-54]
(3) Simplicius, In Cat. 3.18-29; dans les notes, j’indique où la version de Simplicius diffère de celle d’Ammonius (In Cat. 1.3-13).
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Résumé : "Simplicius utilise (et transforme) le concept d'υπογραφή (ďorigine stoïcienne) pour décrire les genres premiers et les êtres sensibles qui, chez Aristote, ne sont pas susceptibles de définition. Or un examen attentif du statut de la science chez Aristote (en référence à la doctrine de l'incommunicabilité des genres et au problème de lo'individuation) montre que la tentative de Simplicius est inconciliable, ou difficile à concilier, avec l'aristotélisme (d'Aristote)."
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Repris dans M. Rashed, L'héritage aristotélicien. Textes inédits de l'antiquité, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2007, pp. 29-83.
———. 2013. "Boethus’ Aristotelian ontology." In Aristotle, Plato and Pythagoreanism in the First Century BC: New Directions for Philosophy, edited by Schofield, Malcolm, 53-77. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
"Boethus is surely one of the most important thinkers of the first century bc.
Though only few testimonies, and no clear fragment, remain, their number and content are sufficient to show how insightful he was in commenting upon Aristotle.(1) It is not just that he was typical of this first generation of commentators who have struck modern historians by the free spirit with which they approached Aristotle’s text.(2) Boethus’ fragments on substance testify to more than a free attitude towards the Philosopher: it is also possible to recognise, through the many layers of the tradition – Alexander,
Porphyry, Iamblichus and Simplicius – a coherent and unitary doctrine.
His doctrine, of course, is not un-Aristotelian; it does not even stand somewhere halfway between Aristotle and other thinkers of antiquity, the Stoics in particular (even if it is obviously inspired by a general Stoic atmosphere). Boethus has consciously built, out of a few indications in the text of Aristotle, a certain kind of Aristotelianism among other possible ones.(3) This doctrinal approach is probably both the cause and the effect of a cultural fact: the Peripatos’ nearly exclusive focus, in the first century bc, on the Categories.(4) For sure, the treatise of the Categories, by itself, does not necessarily produce a definite account of the world. But by contrast with what is the case with other parts of the Aristotelian corpus, its basic ontological features seem naturally at home in the framework of a doctrine upholding the primacy of the individual material substance." (p. 53)
(1) Curiously enough, there has been until now no collection of Boethus’ fragments. I am currently working, together with Riccardo Chiaradonna and Philippe Hoffmann, on just such a project. Our book, to be published with de Gruyter, will include all the fragments (Greek and Arabic), a French translation, and a commentary. [R. Chiaradonna, M. Rashed (eds.), Boéthos de Sidon – Exégète d’Aristote et philosophe, Berlin: de Gruyter 2020]
(2) See Moraux 1973: 98–9 and 105–13.
(3) See Rashed 2007a: 22–6.
(4) See R. Chiaradonna’s chapter in the present volume.
Riccardo Chiaradonna, Platonist approaches to Aristotle: from Antiochus of Ascalon to Eudorus of Alexandria (and beyond), present volume, pp. 28-52.
Paul Moraux, (1973) Der Aristotelismus bei den Griechen von Andronikos bis Alexander von Aphrodisias. Vol. i: Die Renaissance des Aristotelismus im I. Jh.v.Chr. Berlin and New York.
Marwan Rashed, (2007a) Essentialisme. Alexandre d’Aphrodise entre logique, physique et cosmologie. Berlin and New York.
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Reprinted in: Richard Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle Transformed. The Ancient Commentators and Their Influence, London: Duckworth, 1990 and in: Manfred Fuhrmann and Joachim Gruber (eds.), Boethius, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984 pp. 155-181, with a Postscript (1983) pp. 182-183.
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Reprinted in: F. Solmsen, Kleine Schriften II, Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1967 pp. 38-43 and in: Manfred Fuhrmann and Joachim Gruber (eds.) Boethius, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1984 pp. 127-132.
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Stump, Eleonore. 1988. "Categories and Predicables." In Boethius's In Ciceronis Topica, 244-255. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Translated with notes and an introduction by Eleonore Stump.
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"On Iamblichus' exposition of the categories poiein kai paschein and his new theory about act, action, and entelechy based on his criticism of Porphyry's treatment of active and passive movement, and Plotinus' assimilation of act and movement."
Taormina, Danieal Patrizia. 1999. "L'antiaristotelismo di Plotino e lo pseudo-aristotelismo di Giamblico. Due interpretazioni di Aristotele, Categ. 6, 5b 11 ss." In Antiaristotelismo, edited by Natali, Carlo and Maso, Stefano, 231-250. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
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"The hermeneutic tradition concerning Aristotle's Categories goes back to Eudorus and his contemporaries in the 1st cent. B.C. Initially a perplexing text, it forces the Platonist to consider a variety of new dialectical questions. The criticisms of Eudorus demonstrate the desire for orderly arrangements and pose questions that the hermeneutic tradition, culminating in the commentary of Simplicius, would try to answer. His pursuit of a critical agenda does not warrant the labels "anti-Aristotelian" or "polemical", but it does show why he preferred to be known as an Academic rather than a Peripatetic."
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Contents: Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Epistemology; 3. Science and logic; 4. Physics; 5. Psychology: perception and intellect; 6. Metaphysics; 7. Ethics; Chronology; Glossary of names; Guide to further reading; Bibliography; Index.
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