Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
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For the bibliography on medieval authors see: Charles H. Lohr - Latin Aristotle Commentaries. Vol. II. Renaissance Authors - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1988; Vol. III: Index initiorum; Index finium - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki, 1995; Vol. V: Bibliography of secondary literature - Firenze: Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2005.
To facilitate research, for every author I give the name in English, Latin, French and Italian.
Marius Victorinus ca. 300 - 370 [Victorinus Afer (Caius Marius Victorinus) - Marius Victorinus - Mario Vittorino]
(Pseudo) Augustine 4th century [(Pseudo) Augustinus - (Pseudo) Augustine - (Pseudo) Agostino]
Boethius ca. 480 - 524/5 [Boethius Anicius Manlius Severinus - Boèce - Boezio]
William of Champeaux ca.1070 - 1122 [Guillelmus de Campellis - Guillaume de Champeaux - Guglielmo di Champeaux]
Gerlandus of Besançon 11th century [Garlandus - Gerlando]
Peter Abelard 1079 - 1142 [Petrus Abaelardus - Pierre Abélard - Pietro Abelardo]
Gilbert of Poitiers 1085/90 - 1154 [Gilbertus Porretanus - Gilbert de la Porrée - Gilberto Porretano]
William of Sherwood 1200/5 - 1266/71 [Guillelmus de Shirwode - Guillaume de Shyreswood - Guglielmo di Shyreswood]
Albert the Great 1193/1206 - 1280 [Albertus Magnus - Albert le Grand - Alberto Magno]
Thomas Aquinas 1225/6 - 1274 [Thomas de Aquino - Thomas d'Aquin - Tommaso d'Aquino]
Lambert of Auxerre 13th century [Lambertus Autissiodorensis - Lambert d'Auxerre - Lamberto di Auxerre]
Boethius of Dacia 13th century [Boethius Dacus - Boèce de Dace - Boezio di Dacia]
Peter of Spain 13th century [Petrus Hispanus - Pierre d'Éspagne - Petro Ispano]
John Pagus 13th century [Johannes Pagus - Jean Pagus - Giovanni Pago]
Robert Kilwardby ca. 1215 - 1279 Robertus de Kilwardby - Robert Kilwardby - Roberto Kilwardby]
Roger Bacon 1214 - 1294 [Rogerius Bacon - Roger Bacon - Ruggero Bacone]
Martin of Dacia d. 1304 [Martinus de Dacia - Martin de Dacie - Martino di Dacia]
Peter of Auvergne - d. 1304 [Petrus de Alvernia - Perre d'Auvergne - Pietro d'Alvernia]
Simon of Faversham ca. 1260 - 1306 [Simonis de Faversham - Simon de Faversham - Simone di Faversham]
Thomas of Sutton ca. 1250 - ca. 1315 [Thomam de Sutona - Thomas of Sutton - Thomas of Sutton]
Giles of Rome ca. 1243 - 1316 [Aegidius Romanus - Gilles de Rome - Egidio Romano]
John Duns Scotus c. 1265/6 - 1308 [Johannes Duns Scotus - Jean Duns Scot - Giovanni Duns Scoto]
Radulphus Brito ? - d. 1320 [Radulphus Reginaldi Britonis - Raoul le Breton - Rodolfo il Bretone]
(Pseudo) Richard of Campsall ca. 1324-34 [(Pseudo) Richard de Campsall - (Pseudo) Richard de Campsall - (Pseudo) Riccardo di Campsall]
Walter Burley (or Burleigh) 1274/5 - 1344 [Gualterius de Burley (Burleaus) - Walter Burley - Walter Burley]
William Ockham ca. 1285 - 1347 [Guillelmus de Ockham - Guillaume Ockham (Occam) - Gugliemo di Ockham (Occam)]
Gerardus Odonis ? - 1348 [Gerardus (Giraldus) Odonis - Geraldus Odonis - Geraldus Odonis]
John Buridan ca. 1300 - after 1358 [Johannes Buridanus - Jean Buridan - Giovanni Buridano]
William of Heytesbury before 1313 - 1372/3 [Guillelmus de Heytesbury (Heitesbeurus) - Guillaume Heytesbury - Guglielmo Heytesbury]
Marsilius of Inghen ca. 1340 - 1396 [Marsilius de Inghen - Marsil d'Inghen - Marsilio di Inghen]
Robert Alyngton ? - 1398
Blasius of Parma ? - 1416 [Blasius Pelacanius de Parma - Blaise de Parme - Biagio Pelacani da Parma]
Paul of Venice 1369 - 1429 [Paulus Nicolettus Venetus - Paul de Venise - Paolo Veneto]
Author of the first Latin translation of the Categories (now lost).
For the extant Fragments of Victorinus' translation see Boethius: Categoriarum supplementa.
"Pseudo-Augustini Paraphrasis Themistiana [Categoriae Decem]." In Categoriae Vel Praedicamenta. Translatio Boethii, Editio Composite, Translatio Guillelmi De Moerbeka, Lemmata E Simplicii Commentario Decerpta, Pseudo-Augustini Paraphrasis Themistiana, edited by Minio-Paluello, Lorenzo. 133-175. Bruges: Desclée De Brouwer, 1961.
Categoriae Vel Praedicamenta. Translatio Boethii, Editio Composite, Translatio Guillelmi De Moerbeka, Lemmata E Simplicii Commentario Decerpta, Pseudo-Augustini Paraphrasis Themistiana. Bruges: Desclée De Brouwer, 1961.
"This volume contains five Latin versions of Aristotle's Categories. Numbers 1 and 2 both stem from Boethius, who is responsible for the Latin translations that were most widespread. One of them is more literal, the other more elegant. William of Moerbeke, on the other hand, was the author of a Latin version not only of Aristotle's work, but also of Simplicius' commentary, which contains the abbreviated lemmas of the Aristotelian text. Moreover, Aristotle's work was known by means of a Roman paraphrase attributed to Augustine and influenced by Themistius."
Categoriarum Supplementa. Porphyrii Isagoge, Translatio Boethii, Et Anonymi Fragmentum Vulgo Vocatum "Liber Sex Principiorum". Bruges: Desclée De Brouwer, 1966.
"This volume constitutes a supplement to the Latin versions of the Categories. It contains Porphyry's famous Introduction to Aristotle's Categories in Boethius' translation and an extract of an anonymous 12th century Latin writing, which was widespread under the title Liber sex principiorum: it deals mainly with the last six categories, treated more briefly in Aristotle's work. The volume also contains the fragments quoted by Boethius from an older Latin version of Porphyry's Introduction, done by Marius Victorinus."
Available only in manuscript (C8 in Marenbon's list: Medieval Latin Commentaries and Glosses on Aristotelian Logical Texts, before c. 1150 A.D. - see bibliography)