Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Diogenes Laertius. 1925. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Translated by R. D. Hicks with the Greek text facing.
Reprint with an introduction by Herbert Strainge Long, 1972.
Sollenberger, Michael George. 1984. Diogenes Laertius' Life of Theophrastus. A critical edition of the text with a translation and commentary, Rutger University.
Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, 1984.
Availble at ProQuest Dissertation Express ref. n. 8424162.
"The primary purpose of this dissertation is to provide a critical edition of Diogenes Laertius' life of Theophrastus. The Greek text has been established from an examination and collation of nineteen manuscripts dating from the twelfth to the sixteenth century. The text is furnished with an apparatus criticus of variant manuscript readings, scholarly emendations and conjectures.
Between the text and apparatus criticus appears an apparatus testimoniorum, in which are given references to other ancient and mediaeval authors who offer the same or closely related material.
A long introduction establishes the need for such an edition, outlines the general organization of Diogenes' work and focuses on the content and structure of Theophrastus' life. Also in the introduction the several manuscripts are described and an attempt is made to indicate their various affiliations.
Diogenes' work is unique among literary documents surviving from antiquity and unquestionably a valuable source for the history of ancient philosophy. Not only does it contain more biographical information on Theophrastus than any other ancient source, but also an extensive catalogue of Theophrastus' writings, most of which are lost, and Theophrastus' testament are included as parts of the biography.
Theophrastus was the student of Aristotle ·and head of the Peripatetic school from Aristotle's death in 322/1 B.C. until his own death thirty-five years later. Today he is best known for his Characters and his ground-breaking work in botany. But fragments of his voluminous writings scattered throughout the works of later ancient and mediaeval writers show that he made important contributions in other fields, e.g., logic, physics, metaphysics; zoology, ethics, politics and rhetoric, and in many instances advanced beyond Aristotelian antecedents. Theophrastus' importance for Hellenistic philosophy is clear, but the actual influence he had on his contemporaries and later philosophers remains obscure. From the abundant details concerning Theophrastus' life and writings provided by Diogenes we can gain valuable insight concerning his influence and better understand the importance of his achievements as a writer and a philosopher." (From the Abstract)
Diogenes, Laertius. 2018. Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. New York: Oxford University Press.
Translated by Pamela Mensch.
Edited by James Miller.
The translation is based on Tiziano Dorandi edition of the Greek text, published in 2013 by Cambridge University Press.
———. 2018. Lives of the Eminent Philosophers. An Edited Translation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Edited and translated by Stephen White.
The translation is based on Tiziano Dorandi edition of the Greek text, published in 2013 by Cambridge University Press.
Laerzio, Diogene. 1962. Vite dei filosofi. Bari: Laterza.
Traduzione Italiana di Marcello Gigante; terza edizione riveduta 1987.
Diogene, Laerzio. 2005. Vite e dottrine dei più celebri filosofi. Milano: Bompiani.
Traduzione italiana con testo greco a fronte (edizione Marcovich) a cura di Giovanni Reale, con la collaborazione di Giuseppe Girgenti e Ilaria Ramelli.
Epicuro. 2002. Epicurea, Nell'edizione Di Hermann Usener. Milano: Bompiani.
Traduzione dell'edizione del 1887 di Ilaria Ramelli con testo greco a fronte.
Contiene la Vita di Epicuro di Diogene Laerzio.
Diogène, Laërce. 1999. Vies et doctrines des philosophes illustres. Paris: LGF - Livre de Poche.
Traduction française sous la direction de Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé. Introduction et notes de J.-F. Balaudé, L. Brisson, J. Brunschwig, R. Goulet, T. Dorandi, M.-O. Goulet-Cazé, M. Narcy, avec la collaboration de Michel Patillon.
Delatte, Armand. 1922. La vie de Pythagore de Diogène Laërce. Bruxelles: Lamertin.
Édition critique avec introduction (pp. 5-100) et commentaire par Armand Delatte.
Reprint New York, Arno Press, 1979 and Hildesheim, Georg Olms, 1988.
Diogène, Laërce. 1996. Vie de Platon. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
Traduction, introduction et notes d' Alain Philippe Segonds.
———. 2006. Vies et doctrines des Stoïciens. Paris: LGF.
Traduction, introduction, notes de commentaire, bibliographie, index de Richard Goulet.
Diogenes, Laertius. 1921. Leben und Meinungen berühmter Philosophen. Leipzig: Meiner.
Übersetzung von Otto Apelt (neu herausgegeben sowie mit Vorwort Einleitung und neuen Anmerkungen zu Text & Übersetzung versehen von K. Reich (1967); 3. Auflage Hamburg, Meiner, 1998).
Diogenes, Laertios. 1998. Leben und Lehre der Philosophen. Stuttgart: Reclam.
Übersetzung von Fritz Jürß.
Diogenes, Laertius. 2015. Leben und Meinungen berühmter Philosophen. Hamburg: Felix Meiner.
In der Übersetzung von Otto Apelt unter Mitarbeit von Hans Günter Zekl neu herausgegeben sowie mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von Klaus Reich.
Diógenes, Laercio. 1982. Vidas, opiniones y sentenciás de los filósofos mas illustres. Madrid: Luis Navarro.
Traducidas por José Ortiz y Sanz (2 tomos).
———. 2007. Vidas de los Filósofos Ilustres. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.
Traducción de Carlos García Gual.
Diògenes, Laerci. 2014. Vides i doctrines dels filòsofs més il·lustres. Vol I. Barcelona: Bernat Metge.
Libre I. Introducciò generla, notícies preliminares, text revisat, traducciò i notes de Sergi Grau.
———. 2018. Vides i doctrines dels filòsofs més il·lustres. Vol II. Barcelona: Bernat Metge.
Libres II-III. Notícies preliminares, text revisat, traducciò i notes de Sergi Grau.
Pinto de Brito, Rodrigo, and Lopes Dinucci, Aldo. 2019. "Tradução de Diógenes Laércio, Vitae Philosophorum, Livro IV (sobre os Acadêmicos)." Archai no. 25:1-52.
Pinto de Brito, Rodrigo, and Santos Pereira, Marcos Roberto. 2019. "Diógenes Laércio. Vitae Philosophorum 5.36-57 (vida de Teofrasto)." Archai no. 30:1-29.<(p>
Diogenes, Laertius. 1472. Laertii Diogenis Vitae et sententiae eorum qui in philosophia probati fuerunt. Romae: Giorgo Lauer.
Latin version by Ambrogio Traversari (1386-1439) between 1424 and 1433 (the first printed text of the Lives) edited by Elius Fanciscus Marchisius.
Many reprints: Venice, 1475, 1490, 1493 and 1497; Brescia 1485, Bologna 1495 (Miroslav Flodr - Incunabula classicorum. Wiegendrucke der griechischen und römischen Literatur - Amsterdam, Hakkert, 1973, pp. 137-138).
———. 1475. Diogenes Laertius Vitae et Sententiae eorum qui in Philosophia probati fuerunt. Venetia: Nicolaum Jenson.
Translated by Ambrosio Camaldulensi [Ambrogio Traversari] from the recension by Benedetto Brognoli.
———. 1566. Laertii Diogenis de vita et moribus philosophorum, libri decem. Antwerpiae: Tirnaviensis Pannonii.
Translated by Joannes Sambucus [János Zsámboky] (1531-1584).
Diogenis Laertij De vitis, decretis & responsis celebrium philosophorum Libri decem, nunc primum excusi. 1533. Basileae.
First complete edition (Editio princeps) of the Greek text, edited and translated by Hyeronimus Frobenius and Nicolaus Episcopus.
Three Vitae have been already printed:
Aristotelis et Theophrasti Vitae in vol. II of the Aldine edition of Aristotle (Venetiis 1497).
Xenophontis Vita in the Aldine edition of the works of Xenophon (Venetiis 1525) reprinted in the Giuntina edition (Florentiae 1527).
Laertii Diogenis de vita et moribus philosophorum, libri X. 1566. Antverpiae: Christophori Plantini.
Edited Ioannis Sambuci (Iános Zsámboky, 1531-1584).
Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X. 1570. Geneva.
Edited with annotations and Latin translation by Henricus Stephanus.
Diogenis Laertii de vitis, dogmatis & apophthegmatis clarorum philosophorum libri X. 1593. Geneva.
Reprint of the edition by Henri Estienne (Henricus Stephanus, 1570) with annotations by Isaac Casaubon.
Laertii Diogenis de uitis, dogmatis et apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt, libri X. 1594. Romae: Aloysium Zanettum.
Edited with annotations by Tommaso Alodobrandini.
Diogenes Laertius, De Vitis, dogmatis et apophthegmatis clarorum Philosophorum, Libri X. 1615. Geneva: Iacobum Stoer.
Edited by Paul Estienne (son of Henri Estienne), with the notes by Isaac Casaubon.
Laertii Diogenis De Vitis Dogmatis et Apophthegmatis Eorum qui in philosophia Claruerunt; Libri X. 1664. Londinii: Octavanum Pulleyn.
Reprint by John Pearson (1613-1686) of the Aldobrandinian edition of 1594 with Annotationes by Henri Estienne, Isaac and Méric Casaubon and Observationibus by Gilles Ménage (Aegidii Menagii, 1613-1692) that contains the first printed edition of an anonymous life of Aristotle (the so-called Vita Menagiana).
Diogenis Laertii De Vitis, Dogmatibus et Apophthegmatibus Clarorum Philosophorum Libri X. 1692. Amstelaeami: Henricus Wetstenium.
Greek and Latin text by Marc Meibom, with annotations to I. and M. Casaubon, T. Aldobrandini in two volumes.
The second volume contains: Aegidii Menagii in Diogenem Observationes auctiores [with the unedited Vita of Aristotle called Vita Menagiana], ut et Joachimi Kühnii ad Diogenem Notas.
Diogenis Laertii De vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus clarorum philosophorum Libri X. 1739. Curiae Regnitianae: Gotthard Ioannem Puttnerum.
Greek and Latin edition By Paulo Daniele Longolio.
Diogenis Laertii De vitis, dogmatis et apophthegmatis clarorum philosophorum libri X. 1828. Lipsiae: Carolus Franciscus Koehlerus.
Greeek and Latin edition in two volumes: I. (1828) edited by Heinrich Gustav Hübner; II. (1831) edited by Gottfried Hermann.
Commentarii in Diogenem Laertium. Volumen Primum. 1830. Lipsiae und Londini: C. F. Kochler und Black, Young & Young.
Edited by Heinrich Gustav Huebner, contains: Menagius, Aegidius, Notae atque Aegrdii Menagii observationes et emendationes in Diogenem Laertium. Addita est historia mulierum philosopharurn ab eodem Menagio scripta. Editionem ad exemplar wetstenianum expressam atque indicibus instructam curavit Henricus Gustavus Huebnerus lipsiensis.
Commentarii in Diogenem Laertium. Volumen Secundum. 1833. Lipsiae: C. F. Kochler.
Edited by Carl Iacobitz after the deat of Huebner; contains the reprint of the notes by Gilles Ménage with the Vita Menagiana (1692): Menagius, Aegidius, Notae atque Aegidii Menagii observationes et emendationes in Diogenem Laertium. Addita est historia mulierum philosopharum ab eodem Menagio scripta. Editionem ad exemplar wetstenianum exspressam atque indicibus instructam post Huebneri mortem absolvit Carolus lacobitz. Volumen Secundum.
Diogenis Laertii De Vitis Philosophorum libri X cum indice rerum. 1833. Lipsiae: Charles Tauchnitz.
Diogenis Laertii de clarorum philosophorum vitis, dogmatibus et apophthegmatibus libri decem. 1850. Pariisis: Firmin-Didot.
Edited by Carel Gabriel Cobet.
Reprinted 1862 and 1929.
Diogenes, Laërtius. 1925. Lives of eminent philosophers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Greek text facing an English translation by Robert Drew Hicks.
Reprint with an introduction by Herbert Strainge Long, 1972.
Diogenes, Laertii. 1964. Vitae Philosophorum. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Critical edition of the Greek text by Herbert Strainge Long.
Diogenes, Laertius. 1999. Vitae philosophorum. Stuttgart: B. G. Teubner.
Critical edition by Miroslav Marcovich.
Vol. I: Libri I - X; Vol. II: Excerpta Byzantina et indices; Vol III: Indices Hans Gärtner (2002).
Diogenes, Laërtius. 2013. Lives of Eminent Philosophers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Critical edition by Tiziano Dorandi.
Mühll, Peter von der. 1922. Epicuri Epistulae Tres et Ratae Sententiae. Leipzig: Teubner.
Knoepfler, Denis. 1991. La Vie de Ménédème d'Érétrie de Diogène Laërce. Contribution à l'histoire et à la critique du texte des Vies des philosophes. Basel: Reinhardt.
Chapitre VII. Édition critique et traduction annotée (pp. 159-204).
Laks, André. 1976. "Édition critique et commentée de la Vie d'Epicure dans Diogene Laerce (X, 1- 34)." In Études sur l'épicurisme antique, edited by Bollack, Jean and Laks, André, 1-118. Lille: Publications de l'Université de Lille.
———. 1983. Diogène d'Apollonie. La dernière cosmologie présocratique. Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille.
Édition, traduction et commentaire des fragments et des témoignages. Présentation de Jean Bollack.
Appéndice 4. Diogène Laërce, Vies des philosophes, IX, 57. Avec une note sur l'ordre des chapitres dans le livre IX des Vies.