Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Eggers, Lan Conrado, ed. 1987. Platón: Los diálogos tardíos. Ciudad de México: Editorial UNAM-Instituto de Investigaciones Filósoficas.
Proceedings of the First Symposium Platonicum, Ciudad de México, 1986.
Reprint: Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag,1994 and 2001 (International Plato Studies, vol. 3).
Contents: Conrado Eggers: Presentación; Livio Rossetti: Sui rischi di un’attitudine troppo benevola dell’interprete verso il testo: il caso del Politico; Ute Schmidt Osmanczik: Epichereîn… Katà Pólin Therapeían Téchnei Gnorízein. En torno al Político de Platón; Conrado Eggers: Dios en la ontología del Parménides; T.M. Robinson: Sobre la fecha de composición del Timeo; Giuseppe Mazzara: Teeteto. 201e-208b. Totalità (Holon) e insieme (Pan): un problema di non facile soluzione; Enrique Hülsz Piccone: Aporía y dialéctica en el Teeteto; Alfonso Gómez-Lobo: Autopredicación; Christopher Rowe: Public and Private Speaking in Plato’s Later Dialogues; Juliana González: Psique y Eros en el Fedro; Antonio Gómez Robledo: La ley en el pensamiento platónico; Discusión: La autenticidad de la carta VII.
Rossetti, Livio, ed. 1992. Understanding the Phaedrus. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Second Symposium Platonicum, Perugia, 1-6 settembre 1989.
International Plato Studies, vol. 1.
Rowe, Christopher J., ed. 1995. Reading the Statesman. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Third Symposium Platonicum, Bristol 1992.
International Plato Studies, vol. 4.
I. Text.
W.S.M. Nicoll: The manuscript tradition of Plato's Statesman; D. Robinson: The new Oxford text of Plato's Statesman: editor's comments;
II. The Statesman and the Platonic corpus.
C.H. Kahn:: The place of the Statesman in Plato's later work;
III. Forms.
R. Ferber: Für eine propädeutische lektüre des Politicus; F. Bravo: La ontología de la definición en el Politico de Platon; C. Natali: Commenti su Bravo; Y. Lafrance: Métrétique, mathématiques et dialectique en Politique 283 c-285 c; A. Tordesillas: Le point culminant de la métrétique;
IV. Logic and Method. i) Diaeresis and classification.
C. Chiesa: De quelques formes primitives de classification; W. Cavini: Naming and argument: diaeretic logic in Plato's Statesman; C. Natali: Commenti su Cavini; G. Casertano: Il problema del rapporto nome-cosa-discorso nel Politico (277-87); G.M. de Pinotti: Autour de la distinction entre [eidos] et [mepos] dans le Politique de Platon (262 a 5-263 e 1);
ii) Imitation and likeness.
S. Kato: The role of paradeigma in the Statesman; A.W. Price: Commentary on Kato; L. Palumbo: Realtà e apparenza nel Sofista e nel Politico; U. Hirsch: [Mimeisthai] und verwandte ausdrücke in Platons Politikos; iii) Metra and metrêta. M.I. Santa Cruz: Méthodes d'explication et la juste mesure dans le Politique; V. Politikê. i) Statesmanship and the statesman.
P. Accattino: Politikê. [L'apxh] del Politico; R. Weiss: Statesman as [epistimon]: caretaker, physician, and weaver; G. Arrighetti: Commenti su Accattino e Weiss; M. Narcy: La critique de Socrate par l'étranger dans le Politique; S.R.L. Clark: Herds of free bipeds; M. Dixsaut: Une politique vraiment conforme à la nature; D. Morrison: Herding and weaving (comments on Clark and Dixsaut);
V) The ideal and the actual.
M. Lane: A new angle on utopia: the political theory of the Statesman; C. Gill: Rethinking constitutionalism in Statesman 291-303; T. Mishima: Courage and moderation in the Statesman; C. Bobonich: The virtues of ordinary people in Plato's Statesman;
VI. Plato and Historical Reality?
D. Samb: Plato and historical reality? Le Politique 290 d-e; S. Dušanić: The true statesman of the Statesman and the young tyrant of the Laws: an historical comparison;
VII. The Myth.
L. Brisson: Interprétation du mythe du Politique; J. Dillon: The neoplatonic exegesis of the Statesman myth; M. Erler: Kommentar zu Brisson und Dillon; R. Schicker: Aspekte der rezeption des Politikos im Mittel- und neuplatonismus; G.R.F. Ferrari: Myth and conservatism in Plato's Statesman.
Calvo, Tomás, and Brisson, Luc, eds. 1997. Interpreting the Timaeus - Critias. Sankt Augustn: Academia Verlag.
Fourth Symposium Platonicum, Granada, 1995.
International Plato Studies, vol. 9.
Contents: Tomás Calvo - Luc Brisson: El Timeo-Critias. Contenido y cuestiones hermenéuticas.
I. The Timaeus-Critias. Project and Context.
G. Naddaf: Plato and the [Peri Physeos] Tradition; F. Rodríguez Adrados: Coherencia e incoherencia en la forma y contenido del Timeo; D. Clay: The Plan of Plato's Critias; L. Ayache: Est-il vraiment question d art médical dans le Timée?; I.D. Otto: Der Kritias vor dem Hintergrund des Menexenos; M. Erler: Ideal und Geschichte. Die Rahmengespräche des Timaios und Kritias und Aristoteles Poetik;
II. The Prooemium and the Nature of Timaeus Cosmological Myth.
D. Runia: The Literary and Philosophical Status of Timaeus Prooemium; E. Berti: L'oggetto dell [eikos mythos] nel Timeo di Platone; M. I. Santa Cruz: Le discours de la physique: eikos logos; A. Vallejo: No, it s not a Fiction; G. Reale: Plato s Doctrine of the Origin of the World, with special reference to the Timaeus;
III. Ideas, Numbers, Principles.
E. Ostenfeld: The Role and Status of the Forms in the Timaeus: Paradigmatism revisited?; R. Ferber: Why did Plato maintain the "Theory of Ideas" in the Timaeus?; M. Isnardi-Parente: Idee e Numeri nel Timeo; Th. A. Szlezák: Über die Art und Weise der Erörterung der Prinzipien im Timaios;
IV. Cosmology and Ontological Issues.
C. Natali: Le cause del Timeo e la teoria delle quattro cause; J. M. Narbonne: Note á propos de l "extériorité" présumée du réceptacle platonicien; W. Mesch: Die ontologische Bedeutung der Zeit in Platons Timaios; J. J. Cleary: Plato's Teleological Atomism;
V. The Soul of the World and the human Soul.
F. L. Lisi: La construcción del alma del mundo en el Timeo (35a-b) y la tradición indirecta; G. Reydam-Schils: Plato's World Soul: grasping sensibles without Sense-perception; Ch. Gill: Galen vs. Chrysippus on the tripartite psyche in Timaeus 69-72; S. Rotondaro: II [pathos] della ragione e i sogni: Timeo 70D7- 72B5; E. Pender: The Language of Soul in Plato's Timaeus;
VI. Perception and Knowledge.
D. O Brien: Perception et intelligence dans le Timée de Platon; L. Brisson: Perception sensible et raison dans le Timée; U. Hirsch: Sinnesqualitöten und ihre Namen (zu Tim. 61-69);
VII. Ethics and Education.
D. Sedley: Becoming like god in the Timaeus and Aristotle; G.R. Carone: The ethical Function of Astronomy in Plato's Timaeus; E. Cavagnaro: The Timaeus of Plato and the erratic Motion of the Planets; S. Scolnicov: Freedom and Education in Plato's Timaeus.
Index of discussed Passages.
Robinson, Thomas M., and Brisson, Luc, eds. 2001. Plato: Euthydemus, Lysis, Charmides. Sankt Augustn: Academia Verlag.
Fifth Symposium Platonicum, Toronto, 1998.
International Plato Studies, vol. 13.
Scolnicov, Samuel, and Brisson, Luc, eds. 2003. Plato's Laws: From Theory Into Practice. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Sixth Symposium Platonicum, Jerusalem, 2001.
International Plato Studies, vol. 15.
Erler, Michael, and Brisson, Luc, eds. 2007. Gorgias - Menon. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Seventh Symposium Platonicum, Würzburg, 2004.
International Plato Studies, vol. 25.
Contents: List of contributors V; Table of contents VII; Michael Erler, Luc Brisson: Vorwort X-XI;
1. De Vogel Lecture, Sauders Memorial Lecture.
Terry Penner: The Death of the so-called “Socratic Elenchus” 3; Harold Tarrant: Studying Plato and Platonism Together: Meno-related Observations 20;
2. Gorgias.
John J. Cleary: Erotic Paideia in Plato’s Symposium 33; Lloyd P. Gerson: Plato’s Gorgias and ‘Political Happiness’ 46; Frederik Arends: Why Socrates came too late for Gorgias’ epideixis: Plato’s Gorgias as political philosophy 52; Noburu Notomi: Plato’s Critique of Gorgias: Power, the Other, and Truth 57; Christopher Gill: Form and outcome of arguments in Plato’s Gorgias 62; Ada Neschke-Hentschke: Der Dialog Gorgias und die Tradition des europäischen Naturrechts 66; Mauro Tulli: Il Gorgia e la lira di Anfione 72; Holger Thesleff: The Gorgias re-written – why? 78; Arnaud Macé: Gorgias, le Gorgias, et l’ordre de l’âme 83; Christopher Rowe: The Moral Psychology of the Gorgias 90; Francisco Bravo: El Gorgias de Platon: ¿Anti-hedonista o anti-relativista? 102; Erik Nis Ostenfeld: The Meaning and Justification of a Paradox: Wrong doing is Involuntary. The refutation of Polus 108; Richard F. Stalley: The Politics of the Gorgias 116; Julius Moravczik: Goodness Trumps Pleasure-loving in the Gorgias 122; Thomas C. Brickhouse, Nicholas D. Smith: The Myth of the Afterlife in Plato’s Gorgias 128; Álvaro Vallejo: Myth and Rhetoric in the Gorgias 138; Giovanni Casertano: 21 punti su persuasione e verità nel Gorgia 144; Walter Mesch: Analogien und Antistrophen. Zur Bestimmung der Rhetorik in Platons Gorgias 149; Hayden W. Ausland: Socrates’ Argument with Gorgias, the Craft Analogy, and Justice 158; Maurizio Migliori: Socrate e Gorgia di fronte all’insegnamento della virtù 162;
3. Meno
Graziano Arrighetti: Menone, 81a10-e2: un mito dell’al di là? 173; Theodor Ebert: “The Theory of Recollection in Plato’s Meno”: Against a Myth of Platonic Scholarship 184; Luc Brisson: La réminiscence dans le Ménon (81c5-d5) 199; Linda M. Napolitano: Anamnesi e dialettica nel ‘Menone’ 204; Jan Szaif: Requirements of Knowledge according to the Meno 212; Yuji Kurihara: Goodness, Desire and Thought in Plato’s Meno (77b-78b) 218; Benoît Castelnérac: Comment acquérir la vertu? La tripartition phúsis, áskesis, máthesis dans le Ménon 223; Aleš Havlíček: Die Bedeutung der phronêsis für die Erläuterung der aretê im Menon 228;
Edward C. Halper: A Lesson from the Meno 234; Thomas M. Tuozzo: Knowing Meno Blindfolded: The Dialectic of Essence and Quality in the Meno 243; Elisabetta Cattanei: Due geometrie per il Menone 248; Moon–Heum Yang: ‘Similarity’ in the Solution to the Duplication Problem in Plato’s Meno 253;
4. Comprehensive papers.
Rafael Ferber: What did Socrates know and how did he know it? 263; Vasilis Politis: Is Socrates Paralyzed by his State of Aporia? Meno 79e7-80d4 268; Christoph Helmig: Der Gegensatz von Platon und Aristoteles
in den neuplatonischen Interpretationen des Menon paradoxons und der Anamnesislehre 273; Samuel Scolnicov: The structure and object of anamnesis 278; Louis-André Dorion: Le Gorgias et la défense de Socrate dans l’Apologie 284; Franco Ferrari: La transizione epistemica 290; Matthias Vorwerk: Der Arzt, der Koch und die Kinder. Rhetorik und Philosophie im Wettstreit 297; Michel Narcy: Socrate, l’esclave, les sophistes et les géomètres 303; François Renaud: Rhétorique, Dialectique, Maïeutique: Le commentaire du Gorgias par Olympiodore 309; Annie Larivée: Combattre le mal par le mal. Socrate et sa méthode de soin homéopathique dans le Gorgias 317; Charles Kahn: Prolepsis in Gorgias and Meno? 325; Thomas Alexander Szlezák: ἅτε γὰρ τῆς φύσεως ἁπάσης συγγενοῦς οὔσης (Men. 81 c 9- d11). Die Implikationen der ‘Verwandtschaft’ der gesamten Natur 333;
Bibliography 345; Index Locorum 368; Subject Index 388-389.
Dillon, John, and Brisson, Luc, eds. 2009. Plato's Philebus. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Eighth Symposium Platonicum, Dublin, 2007.
International Plato Studies, vol. 26.
Contents: List of contributors V; Table of contents VII; John Dillon: Preface IX-X;
De Vogel Lecture.
Dorothea Frede: Life and its Limitations: the conception of happiness in the Philebus 3;
1. Themes.
A. Logi and Dialectic
Hugh H. Benson: Collection and Division in the Philebus; Francisco Bravo: El método de la división y la división de los placeres en el Filebo de Platón 25; Hallvard J. Fossheim: Method in the Philebus 31; Mary Louise Gill: The Divine Method in Plato’s Philebus 36; Christopher Gill: Dialogue Form and Philosophical Content in Plato’s Philebus 47; Charles H. Kahn: Dialectic, Cosmology, and Ontology in the Philebus 56; Michel Narcy: Socrate à l’école de l’Étranger d’Élée 68;
Noburu Notomi: The questions asked in the Philebus 74; Richard Patterson: The Philebus and the Unity of Platonic Method 80; Naomi Reshotko: Restoring Coherence to the Gods’ Gift to Men: Philebus 16c9-18b7 and 23e3-27b8 92; Serafina Rotondaro: Il Filebo di Platone, ovvero l’abile difesa di una supremazia 98; David T. Runia: Didactic enumeration in the Philebus and other Platonic writings 104; Harold Tarrant: ‘A Taste of the Doctrines of each group of Sages’: Plato’s Midwifery at work in the Academy 110;
B. Ethical Questions
Beatriz Bossi: How consistent is Plato with regard to the ‘unlimited’ character of pleasure in the Philebus? 123; Giovanni Casertano: Opinione, verità e piacere: la prima specie dei piaceri falsi 134; Benoît Castelnérac: Plaisirs esthétiques et beauté dans le Philèbe : un essai de reconstruction du discours platonicien sur l'art 140; Louis-André Dorion: L’autarcie et les critères du bien (Philèbe 20d et 67a) 146; Michael Erler: Philebos und Phaidon über die Qualität von Emotionen 152; Marc-Antoine Gavray: Pourquoi rire ? Philèbe, 47d-50e 158; Annie Larivée: The Philebus, a Protreptic? 163; Aikaterini Lefka: La « vie mixte » du Philèbe : une concession pragmatique de Platon au plaisir ? 172; Francisco L. Lisi: Ley, placer e intelecto en el Filebo 178; Graciela E. Marcos de Pinotti: Placer y phantasía en Filebo 36c3-40e5 188; Mary Margaret McCabe: Banana skins and custard pies: Plato on comedy and self-knowledge 194; Mark L. McPherran: Love and Medicine in Plato’s Symposium and Philebus 204; Suzanne Obdrzalek: Fleeing the Divine – Plato’s Rejection of the Anedonic Ideal in the Philebus 209; Satoshi Ogihara: The Contrast between Soul and Body in the Analysis of Pleasure in the Philebus 215; Richard D. Parry: Truth, Falsity, and Pleasures in Philebus and Republic 9. 221; Richard Stalley: The Philebus and the Art of Persuasion 227; Mauro Tulli: Weak ignorance: the geloi'on from the scenes of Aristophanes to the dialogue of Plato 237; Álvaro Vallejo Campos: La verdad del placer en el Filebo 243; Katja Maria Vogt: Why Pleasure Gains Fifth Rank: Against the Anti-Hedonist Interpretation of the Philebus 250;
C. First Principles.
Rafael Ferber Platons Nebensonnen: Schönheit, Symmetrie und Wahrheit 259; Francesco Fronterotta: Nature and structure of the cause in Philebus 26e1-27b3 266; Lloyd P. Gerson: Beauty, Commensurability, and Truth in Plato's Philebus 272; Arnaud Macé: L’eidos-structure dans le Philèbe au fondement de la science de la nature (Philèbe 31d4-32b5) 279; Andrew Mason: Plato’s God: the evidence of the Philebus 285; Maurizio Migliori: Uni-molteplicità del reale e dottrina dei Principi 292; Erik Nis Ostenfeld: The psychology of the Philebus 307; Jean-François Pradeau: The Forging of the Soul in Plato’s Philebus 313; María Isabel Santa Cruz: Quantité déterminée et juste mesure dans le Philèbe 320; Samuel Scolnicov: The wonder of one and many 326; Luc Brisson: Lecture de Philèbe 29a6-30d5 336; Fulcran Teisserenc: D’une causalité démiurgique en cosmologie et en éthique 342; Anne Gabrièle Wersinger: L’apeiron et les relatifs dans le Philèbe 348; Moon-Heum Yang: Arithmetical Numbers and Ideal Numbers in Plato’s Philebus 355;
2. Influences and Interpretations.
Marcelo D. Boeri: Epicurus the Platonist 363; Angela Longo: La divisione nel commento di Damascio al Filebo di Platone 369; Sara Ahbel-Rappe: Damascius’ exegesis of Philebus 27, on the nature of the Mixed 376; Tomasz Mróz: Philebus Interpreted by Paul Natorp and Wincenty Lutoslawski 382;
Bibliography 391; Index locorum 410; Subject Index 425-430.
Notomi, Noburu, and Brisson, Luc, eds. 2013. Dialogues on Plato's Politeia (Republic). Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Ninth Symposium Platonicum, Tokio, 2010.
International Plato Studies, vol. 31.
Tulli, Mauro, and Erler, Michael, eds. 2016. Plato in Symposium. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
Tenth Symposium Platonicum, Pisa, 15th - 20th July 2013.
International Plato Studies, vol. 35.
Contents: List of contributors V; Table of contents VII, Mauro Tulli: Preface XI;
I. C.J. De Vogel Lecture.
Stephen Halliwell: Eros and Life-Values in Plato’s Symposium 3;
II. Reading the Symposium.
Francisco Bravo: ¿Propone el Banquete una ciencia del amor? 16; Luc Brisson: Éros éducateur: entre paiderastia et philosophia 24; Gabriel Danzig: “Testing the Truth and Ourselves” (Prot. 348a). Boasting and Philosophizing in Plato’s Symposium 36; Arianna Fermani: Perché tanta “morte” in un dialogo sull’amore e sulla vita? Riflessioni sulla dialettica amore-morte-immortalità nel Simposio di Platone 44; Christian Keime: Lector in dialogo: Implied Readers and Interpretive Strategies in Plato’s Symposium 52; Mariella Menchelli: Isocrate, la condotta di vita e il discorso di Diotima nel Simposio di Platone 59; Maurizio Migliori: L’importanza della dimensione esperienziale ed empirica nel Simposio 65; Hugues-Olivier Ney: L’amour, drame de Socrate 71; Nicholas P. Riegel: Tragedy and Comedy at Agathon’s Party: Two Tetralogies in Plato’s Symposium 77; Harold Tarrant: Stylistic Difference in the Speeches of the Symposium 84;
III. The Frame Dialogue.
Dino De Sanctis: Agathon agathos: l’eco dell’epos nell’incipit del Simposio 92; Giovanni R.F. Ferrari: No Invitation Required? A Theme in Plato’s Symposium 98; Lidia Palumbo: Narrazioni e narratori nel Simposio di Platone 104; Matthew D. Walker: The Functions of Apollodorus 110;
IV Phaedrus.
Annie Hourcade Sciou: Éros sans expédient: Platon, Banquet, 179b4-180b5 118; Noburu Notomi: Phaedrus and the Sophistic Competition of Beautiful Speech in Plato’s Symposium 124;
V Pausanias.
Olga Alieva: Ἔρως προτρέπων: Philosophy and Seduction in the Symposium 132; Olivier Renaut: La pédérastie selon Pausanias: un défi pour l'éducation platonicienne 140;
VI Eryximachus.
Ivana Costa: Qué aporta Erixímaco a la filosofía del Simposio y a Platón 148; Silvio Marino: La medicina di Erissimaco: appunti per una cosmologia dialogica 155; Richard D. Parry: Eryximachus’ Physical Theory in Plato’s Symposium 160; Richard Stalley: Sophrosyne in the Symposium 165;
VII Aristophanes.
Michele Corradi: Aristofane e l’ombra di Protagora: origini dell'umanità e orthoepeia nel mito degli uomini-palla 172; Samuel Scolnicov: What Socrates Learned from Aristophanes (and What He Left Behind) 178; Roslyn Weiss: Split Personalities in the Symposium and the Bible: Aristophanes’ Speech and the Myth of Adam and Eve 183;
VIII Agathon.
Aikaterini Lefka: Eros Soter. How Can Love Save Us? 192; Irmgard Männlein-Robert: Die Poetik des Philosophen: Sokrates und die Rede des Agathon 198; Mario Regali: La mimesis di sé nel discorso di Agatone: l’agone fra poesia e filosofia nel Simposio 204; Richard Patterson: Agathon’s Gorgianic Logic 209;
IX Diotima.
Francesco Aronadio: What’s in the Name “Eros”? Onoma and Holon in Symposium 204e-206a 218; Giovanni Casertano: La difficile analogia tra poesia e amore 224; Mehmet M. Erginel: Plato on the Pangs of Love 231; Lloyd P. Gerson: The Hermeneutics of Mystery in Plato’s Symposium 237; Chad Jorgenson: Becoming Immortal in the Symposium and the Timaeus 243; Yahei Kanayama: Recollecting, Retelling and Melete in Plato’s Symposium: A New Reading of ἡ γὰρ ἀνδρὸς καὶ γυναικὸς συνουσία τόκος ἐστίν (206c5-6) 249; Filip Karfík: Eros und Unsterblichkeit: das Hervorbringen im Schönen 257; Manfred Kraus: Socrates’ thea: The Description of Beauty in Symposium 211a and the Parmenidean Predicates of Being 270; Yuji Kurihara: Telos and Philosophical Knowledge in Plato’s Symposium 278; Francisco L. Lisi: Symposion 210d4: τὸ πολὺ πέλαγος τοῦ καλοῦ 255; Arnaud Macé: L’océan du beau: la Forme et ses reflets hétérogènes (Banquet, 210a-211c) 291; Giusy Maria Margagliotta: Eros e l’Anima nel Simposio 297; Cristina Rossitto: Plato’s Symposium and the Notion of Intermediate 303; Ikko Tanaka: Divine Immortality and Mortal Immortality in Plato’s Symposium 309; Alonso Tordesillas: Le beau, une nature merveilleuse, une vision soudaine (Banquet 210e2-211d1) 315; Mario Vegetti: Immortalità personale senza anima immortale: Diotima e Aristotele 321;
X Alcibiades.
Gabriele Cornelli: Alcibiades’ Connection: Plato’s Symposium Rewriting the Case on Socrates and Alcibiades 337; Edward C. Halper: Alcibiades’ Refutation of Socrates 342; Alessandro Stavru: Socrate karterikos (Platone, Simposio 216c-221b) 347;
XI The Ethics of Eros.
Carolina Araújo: Who Loves? The Question of Agency in Plato’s Symposium 356; Marcelo D. Boeri: Ἔρως y συνουσία en el Simposio 362; Christopher Gill: Are the “Higher Mysteries” of Platonic Love Reserved for Ethical-Educational Pederasty? 371; Annie Larivée: Le pouvoir protreptique de l’amour. Eros, soin de soi et identité personnelle dans le Banquet 380; Federico M. Petrucci: La dottrina della virtù di secondo grado nel Simposio 386; Christopher Rowe: On the Good, Beauty, and the Beast in Plato’s Symposium 391; David T. Runia: Eudaimonist Closure in the Speeches of Plato’s Symposium 403; Álvaro Vallejo Campos: Desire and Will in the Symposium 409;
XII The Picture of Socrates.
Beatriz Bossi: On Which Step of the Scala Amoris Is Socrates Standing in the Dramatic Action of the Symposium? Notes on the Practical Consequences of Theory 420; Giuseppe Cambiano: Chi è il Socrate del Simposio? 428; Andrea Capra: Transcoding the Silenus. Aristophanes, Plato and the Invention of Socratic Iconography 437; Rafael Ferber: Plato as Teacher of Socrates? 443; Graciela E. Marcos de Pinotti: Sócrates aprendiz y maestro de Eros 449; Gerard Naddaf: The Young “Historical” Socrates in the Apology and Symposium 455; Thomas Alexander Szlezák: Sokrates’ Rollen im Symposion. Sein Wissen und sein Nichtwissen 461;
XIII Reception.
Ruby Blondell, Sandra Boehringer: Un Banquet revisité : l’érotisme paradoxal de Platon et de Lucien 470; Piera De Piano: Gli eroi e la natura demonica di Amore: Proclo interprete di Simposio 201e-204b 476; Margherita Erbì: Lettori antichi di Platone: il caso del Simposio (POxy 843) 483.
Index locorum 493; Index nominum 520 -
———, eds. 2016. The Symposium: Proceedings II. Pisa: International Plato Society.
Tenth Symposium Platonicum, Pisa, 15th - 20th July 2013.
Contents: Christopher Gill: Are the ‘higher mysteries’ of Platonic love reserved for ethical-educational pederasty? 7; Marcelo D. Boeri: Ἔρως y συνουσία en el Simposio o cómo hay que apasionarse en vista de la vida buena 13; Filip Karfík: Eros und Unsterblichkeit: das Zeugen im Schönen und das Zusammenhalten des Alls 23; Luc Brisson: Le Banquet de Platon: un dialogue sur le rôle de la séduction dans l'éducation 24;
Philosophical Writing and the Immortality of the Soul (PhD Parallel Workshop).
Christian Keime: Lector in dialogo: images du lecteur et coopération interprétative dans le Banquet de Platon 27; Enrico Maria Polizzano: I proverbi nel Simposio 39; Chad Jorgenson: Becoming Immortal in the Symposium and the Timaeus 42; Ikko Tanaka: The Immortality of a Philosopher in Plato’s Symposium 46;
Eros, Psyche, Eidos (PhD Parallel Workshop).
Jonathan Fine, Usha Nathan: What Lovers Seek: Eros and Poiesis in Plato’s Symposium 49; Giusy Maria Margagliotta: Eros e l’Anima nel Simposio di Platone 54; Guilherme Domingues da Motta: Eros as a Quality of the Rational Element of the Soul 62; Luca Pitteloud: Le Banquet et la cohabitation de deux points de vue ontologiques sur le sensible et l’intelligible 66; Gabriel Richardson Lear: Thauma and Eros: Philosophical Passion in Plato’s Symposium (Abstract) 77;
Eros and Knowledge.
Georgia Mouroutsou: Plato’s Symposium: The Ladder of the Philosopher’s Atopia 81; Debra Nails: The Naturalized Epistemology of the Symposium 82; Francesco Fronterotta: La visione dell’idea del bello: conoscenza intuitiva e conoscenza proposizionale nel Simposio 91; Naomi Reshotko: Ignorance, Knowledge and True Belief in Plato’s Symposium 99; Marie-Élise Zovko: Impassioned by Passion: Knowledge and Eros in Plato and Spinoza 106; Antony Hatzistavrou: The Corybantic Effect of Arguments 123;
The Ethics of Eros: Life and Practice.
Francisco Bravo: ¿Propone el Banquete una ciencia del amor? 129; Matteo Nucci: La bellezza dell’amante: la strada più lunga che Alcibiade non vide e i grandi misteri che finì per profanare 135; Lucas Soares: La téchne de la caza de hombres: la dimensión prática del saber erótico de Sócrates en el Banquete 143; Linda M. Napolitano Valditara: “Philosophôn dià pantòs toû bìou”: un tratto particolare di Eros nel Simposio platonico (203d7) 149; Thomas M. Robinson: From tolerance to condemnation: Plato on paederastia and nature qua productive 152; Mehmet Erginel: Plato on the Pangs of Love 156;
Reading the Symposium: Themes and Literary Tradition.
María Isabel Santa Cruz: El Banquete como agón literario 159; Catherine Rowett: Is Agathon’s Speech in Plato’s Symposium recycling the views of Empedocles? 169; Hugues-Olivier Ney: L’amour, drame de Socrate 176; Yahei Kanayama: Recollecting, Retelling and Meletē in Plato’s Symposium: A New Reading of ἡ συνουσία τόκος ἐστίν (206C5-6) 186; Mariella Menchelli: Ὀρθὴ δόξα ed ἐπιτηδεύματα: gli scritti isocratei sulla condotta di vita e il grado intermedio di ἐπιτηδεύματα e νόμοι nel Simposio 192; Pierre Destrée: Plato and Laughter in the Symposium 193;
The Language of Mysteries.
Jason Rheins: The Curious Absence of the Immortality of the Soul from Diotima’s Speech 197; Fernando Santoro: Le maschere di Dioniso nel Simposio di Platone 199; Jean-Luc Périllié: Le satyrikon d’Alcibiade et rites d'initiation des mystères socratiques 200; Constance C. Meinwald: Erotic Mysteries 206; Barbara Sattler: Plato’s Forms in the Language of the Eleusinian Mysteries 212; Lloyd P. Gerson: The Hermeneutics of Mystery in Plato’s Symposium 213;
Alcibiades and Socrates.
Tosca Lynch: The seductive voice of the aulós in Plato’s Symposium: From the dismissal of the αὐλητρίς to Alcibiades' praise of Socrates-αὐλητής 219; Alessandro Stavru: Socrate karterikos (Symp. 216c-221b) 226; Wei Liu: The Ugliness and Beauty of Socrates: Portraits of Socrates in the Clouds and the Symposium 227; Andrea Capra: Transcoding the Silenus: Aristophanes, Plato and the Invention of Socratic Iconography 234; Jure Zovko: The Historical and Platonic Socrates in the Symposium 239; Gabriele Cornelli: Alcibiades’ Connection: Plato’s Symposium Rewriting the Case on Socrates and Alcibiades 240;
Ascending the Ladder of Love.
Melissa Lane: “The Greatest and Most Beautiful Part of Wisdom” (Symp. 209a): Moderation and Justice as the Creating of Laws 251; Anthony Hooper: Scaling the Ladder: Why the Final Step of the Lover’s Ascent is a Generalizing Step 257; Maria Angelica Fierro: Loving and Lovable Bodies in the Symposium 258; Alonso Tordesillas: Enigmatique exaiphnes 263; Beatriz Bossi: On which step of the scala amoris is Socrates standing in the dramatic action of the Symposium? 264; Rachana Kamtekar: Eudaimonism in the Symposium? 272; Vasilis Politis: Eros: One, Two, or Two-in-One? (Abstract) 275; Anthony W. Price:What does Diotima mean by erōs? 281; Alvaro Vallejo Campos: Desire and will in the Symposium 289; Christopher J. Rowe: On the Good, Beauty and the Beast in Plato’s Symposium 297-305.
Cornelli, Gabriele, Robinson, Thomas, and Bravo, Francisco, eds. 2018. Plato's Phaedo. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag.
Eleventh Symposium Platonicum, Brasilia, 2016.
Contemts: List of contributors 5; Table of content 7;
Gabriele Cornelli, Thomas M. Robinson, Francisco Bravo: Foreword 11; Gabriele Cornelli: Plato went South! 12;
1. Phaedo’s Strucuture.
Giovanni Casertano: Phaedo — dramatic structure and philosophical content 17; Marcelo D. Boeri: “To act and to be acted upon”: Interactionism in the Phaedo 28; Michele Corradi: Il Fedone e la memoria dell’Apologia di Socrate: a proposito di una raffinata strategia letteraria 33; Lidia Palumbo: Filosofia e narrazione. Il caso del Fedone 38; Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez: Apology, Crito and Phaedo: Socrates’ tragic trilogy 43; Renato Matoso Brandão: On the Translation and Meaning of Phaedo 74b7-9 49;
2. Philosophy and Myth in the Phaedo.
Irmgard Männlein-Robert: on der Höhle in den Himmel: Der Philosoph im Jenseitsmythos des Phaidon oder Sokrates im Glück 57; Alberto Bernabé: Describir el Más Allá. Consideraciones sobre el mito del Fedón 62; Beatriz Bossi: ack To The Cock: On Gratitude andCare 74; Francesc Casadesús Bordoy: La definición del verdadero filósofo en el Fedón o cómo construir una ortodoxia filosófica a partir de una heterodoxia religiosa 84; Francisco J. Gonzalez: Why the Minotaur is Misology 90; Fulvia de Luise: Il canto del cigno di Socrate. Una celebrazione della morte? 96; Annie Larivée: Socrate « Asclépios politique » dans le Phédon 101;
3. Emotions, Pleasures and Philosophical Virtues.
Olga Alieva: How Plato Saved Pleasures for Philosophy 113; Dino de Sanctis: Socrate e le lacrime dei philoi: emozioni e catarsi nel Fedone 118; Edward C. Halper: The Currency of Virtue: Phaedo 68c-69d 124; Marcelo P. Marques: The exchange of pleasures and pains in the Phaedo 133; Donald Morrison: Egoism and Benevolence in the Phaedo 150; Carolina Araújo: Plato’s Phaedo on rational suicide 154; Richard D. Parry: Illusions of Pleasure 159; Federico M. Petrucci: There Should Be a Virtue for Everyone. Non-Philosophical Virtue in the Phaedo 164;
4. Death and the Problem of Soul’s Survival.
Monique Dixsaut: « La mort, estimons-nous que c’est quelque chose ? » 173; Filip Karfík: L’âme et la Forme de la vie 183; Lenka Karfíková: The soul and life – the soul and ratio. Augustine’s criticism of the final proof in Plato’s Phaedo 188; Taichi Miura: Immortality and imperishability of the soul in the final argument of Plato’s Phaedo 193; Satoshi Ogihara: Immortality and eternity: Cebes’ remark at Phaedo 106d2-4 199; Cynthia B. Patterson: Metaphors of Body and Soul in the Phaedo – and Socrates’ Last Words 205; David Sedley: The Phaedo’s final proof of immortality 210; Rafael Ferber: Deuteros Plous, the immortality of the soul and the ontological argument for the existence of God 221; Roslyn Weiss: Fear of Death in Plato’s Phaedo (and Apology) 231;
5. Knowledge, Reminiscence and the Forms.
Barbara M. Sattler: Sufficient Reason in the Phaedo and its Presocratic antecedents 239; Filippo Forcignanò: Experiences without Self-Justification: the “Sticks and Stones” Argument in the Phaedo 249; Andy German: Socratic Iconography: Two Examples in the Phaedo 255; Daniel W. Graham: Plato’s Scientific Manifesto 262; Manfred Kraus: Δοκεῖν, δόξα and eikṓs in the Phaedo 268; Anna Motta: Strategie esegetiche neoplatoniche: qual è lo skopos del Fedone? 273; Graciela E. Marcos de Pinotti: ¿Cuántos y quiénes “recuerdan”? El doble alcance de la reminiscencia en Fedón 72e-77a 278; Noburu Notomi: The Soul and Forms in Plato’s Phaedo 288; Richard Patterson: Malaria, Causality and Plato’s Explanatory Framework 294; Karine Tordo Rombaut: Qu’est-ce qui, dans la question de l’anonyme, a pu troubler Socrate (Phd. 103a4-c5) ? 299; Harold Tarrant: Argument from Similarity or Socrates’ Inspired Vision Part I? 304; Thomas M. Tuozzo: Sense Perception and Explanation in the Phaedo 310;
6. Phaedo’s Socrates Itinerary and Portrait.
Andrea Capra: Father and Son: Apollo, Asclepius and the Socratic Birth of the Platonic dialogue 319; Lloyd P. Gerson: Socrates’ Autobiography: An Epitome of Platonism 323; Gerard Naddaf: The “young” historical Socrates in Phaedo 96a-99d: a re-examination of the controversial “autobiography” 328; Mario Regali: Una maschera per il dialogo: la caratterizzazione di Socrate nel Fedone 333; François Renaud: L’autorité d’Homère et de la tradition dans le Phédon 338; Franco Trabattoni: La “prima navigazione” nel Fedone 344;
Bibliography 353; Index Locorum 379; Index Nominum 394; Subject Index 402-407.
Brisson, Luc, Macé, Arnaud, and Renault, Olivier, eds. 2022. Plato's Parmenides. Selected Papers of the Twelfth Symposium Platonicum. Baden-Baden: Academia Verlag.
Twelfth Symposium Platonicum, Paris, July 15th-20th 2019.
Contents. Introduction 5;
I. On the threshold of the Parmenides.
François Renaud: Poésie et poétique dialogique dans le prologue du Parménide 17; Nikos G. Charalabopoulos: Road to Academy. The implicit protreptics of Plato’s Parmenides 25; Lidia Palumbo: Il prologo come chiave di interpretazione del dialogo intero 33;
II. The Parmenides in context.
Mario Regali: Parmenide e il cavallo di Ibico: l’immagine dell’eros senile per la dialettica (Prm. 136e-137c) 43; Julia Pfefferkorn: Parmenides auf dem Prüfstand: Unendliche Schwierigkeiten und eine Aufgabe 51; André Luiz Braga da Silva: The “Ideas as thoughts” hypothesis of Parmenides 132b-c: a historical approach 59; D. Gregory MacIsaac: Plato’s Account of Eleaticism: A New Interpretation of Parmenides 67; Francesco Ferro: La dottrina eleatica dell’Uno-tutto nel primo λόγος di Zenone 75; Sandra Peterson: Socrates Objects to Zeno at 128e-129a in Plato’s Parmenides 83; Filippo Forcignanò: Anaxagoras in Plato’s Parmenides 91; Mathilde Brémond: Gorgias and Antilogic in Plato’s Parmenides 101; Michele Corradi: Il Parmenide di Platone fra il Περὶ τοῦ μὴ ὄντος di Gorgia e il Περὶ τοῦ ὄντος di Protagora: l’ombra dei sofisti nella γυμνασία 115; Ivana Costa: Las huellas de Gorgias y el robo del λόγος de Zenón 123; Claudia Mársico: Intra-Socratic polemics. The Parmenides as an element of an anti-Megaric program 133;
III. Dialogue, dialectics and exercices.
Mary-Louise Gill: Exercise on Being: The ἀγών of Heraclitus and Parmenides 149; Annie Larivée: Socrate en devenir. Le développement du jeune Socrate dans le Phédon comme clé herméneutique du Parménide 163; Sergio Di Girolamo: Parmenides’ hypothesis behind Plato’s Parmenides: ‘all the things are collectively called ἓν ὄν’ (Sph. 242d6) 173; Jens Kristian Larsen: On common forms and dialectical inquiry in Plato’ Parmenides 183; Georgia Mouroutsou: A Diagnosis of Dialectic in Parmenides 142b1-144e7 193; Alessio Santoro: Eleatic training. The aim and uses of dialectic in Plato’s Parmenides and Aristotle’s Topics 201;
IV. The Theory of Forms.
Noburu Notomi: Homonymy and Similarity in Plato’s Parmenides 211; Antonino Spinelli: Sind die Ideen wirklich unteilbar? Zur zweifachen Natur der platonischen Formen (Prm. 131a-e) 221; Irina Protopopova:
The Parmenides and the Typology of eide (according to Plato’s Hippias Major, Protagoras, Republic, and Sophist) 229; Vittorio Ricci: Sul cosiddetto “argomento del terzo uomo” (TMA) nel Parmenide 239; Amber D. Carpenter: Separation Anxieties. Parmenides 133a-135c 245; Beatriz Bossi: Why is the ‘greatest’ difficulty neither great nor consistent? (Prm. 133b-134e) 253; José Antonio Giménez: La “mayor dificultad” y el poder del conocimiento en Parménides 133b-134e 261; Irmgard Männlein-Robert: Der ferne Gott – Ideen auf Distanz? Die siebte Aporie im Kontext (Prm. 133b4–135b4) 269; Carolina Araújo: Ousia and dunamis in the greatest aporia (Prm. 133b4-135b4) 279; Kezhou Liu: The Problem of Separation in Plato’s Parmenides 287;
V. Hypothesis and deductions.
Maurizio Migliori: The many meanings of the One in Plato’s Parmenides 299; Eric Sanday: The Subject and Number of Hypotheses in Plato’s Parmenides 309; Béatrice Lienemann: Prädikationen pros heauto im Parmenides als Aussagen über die Struktur von Ideen 317; Luca Pitteloud: La deuxième partie du Parménide : identité et altérité de l’intelligible ? 331; Dougal Blyth: Dialectic and Forms in Prm. 137c-144e 339; Mateo Duque: “Οὐκ ἔστιν” (141e8): The Performative Contradiction of the First Hypothesis 347; Carmen Di Lorenzo: Il numero come prototipo di pluralità unificata (Prm.147a3-6) 355; Richard Parry: The One and Time: Parmenides 151e-153a 361; Aleksei A. Pleshkov: Eternity for Plato: The Dialogue between Parmenides and Timaeus 371; Francisco J. Gonzalez: “Let us say the third”: The Meaning of τὸ τρίτον in the Deductions of Plato’s Parmenides 379; Samuel Meister: Gunk in the Third Deduction of Plato’s Parmenides 393; Claudia Luchetti: La Noesi nascosta. Sulla presenza della teoria platonica dellʼAnima nella γυμνασία del Parmenide (142a-144e, 155e-157b, 157b-159b) 401; Roberto Granieri: Riferimento, essere e partecipazione. Prm. 160b4-163b5 e il Sofista 409; Francesco Aronadio: La duplice accezione dell’espressione me esti nella V e nella VI ipotesi del Parmenide 423; Lorenzo Giovannetti: Structure and sense of the seventh deduction in Prm. 164b5-165e1 431; Jan Szaif: Pseudo-Objects in a World of Seeming (Prm. 164b–165e) 439; I-Kai Jeng: Nonbeing and the Final Four Deductions in Plato’s Parmenides 453;
VI. The Reception of the Parmenides.
Federico M. Petrucci: Una lettura stoica della “più grande difficoltà” del Parmenide 469; Harold Tarrant: Apuleian Evidence regarding Pre-Plotinian Interpretation of the Parmenides 483; Lloyd P. Gerson: Plotinus and Parmenides 491; Melina G. Mouzala: Forms as paradigms in Plato’s Parmenides 132c-d. Proclus’ response to Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias’ attacks on the Forms considered as patterns 501; Anna Motta: La peculiare solennità dell’isagoge procliana al Parmenide di Platone 509; Ivan Adriano Licciardi: Simplicio, in Cael. 556, 3-560, 10, a margine di Platone, Prm. 135b8-c1. Prolegomeni a una genealogia del parallelismo onto-epistemologico 517;
References 527; Index Locorum 549; Index Rerum 565-568.
Symposium Platonicum XII. Le Parménide de Platon. Plato’s Parmenides. Résumés – Book of Abstracts. 2021. Paris: International Plato Society.
Paris – 15-18 avril 2019. Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.
Plato's Sophist. 2024.
Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum, Athens, GA, USA (Jul. 18-22, 2022).
Not yet published.
Havlíček, Aleš, and Karfík, Filip, eds. 1998. The Republic and the Laws of Plato. Prague: Oikoymenh.
First Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
———, eds. 2001. Plato's Phaedo. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Second Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
———, eds. 2003. Plato's Protagoras. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Third Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
———, eds. 2005. Plato's Parmenides. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Fourth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Havlíček, Aleš, and Cajthaml, Martin, eds. 2007. Plato's Symposium. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Fifth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Havlíček, Aleš, Karfík, Filip, and Špinka, Štepán, eds. 2009. Plato's Theaetetus. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Sixth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Havlíček, Aleš, and Karfík, Filip, eds. 2011. Plato's Sophist. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Seventh Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Contents: Preface 7; Thomas Alexander Szlezák: Die Aufgabe des Gastes aus Elea. Zur Bedeutung der Eingangsszene des Sophistes (216a–218a) 11; Francesco Fronterotta: Some Remarks on the Senses of Being in the Sophist 35; Francisco J. Gonzalez: Being as Power in Plato’s Sophist and Beyond 63; Walter Mesch: Die Bewegung des Seienden in Platons Sophistes 96; Filip Karfík: Pantelôs on and megista genê (Plato, Soph. 242c–259b) 120; Noburu Notomi: Dialectic as Ars Combinatoria: Plato’s Notion of Philosophy in the Sophist 146; Luc Brisson: Does Dialectic always Deal with the Intelligible? A Reading of the Sophist (253d5–e1) 156; Aleš Havlíček: Die Aufgabe der Dialektik für die Auslegung des Seins des Nichtseienden 173; Nestor-Luis Cordero: Une conséquence inattendue de l’assimilation du non-être à « l’Autre » dans le Sophiste 188; Denis O’Brien: The Stranger’s “Farewell” (258e6–259a1) 199; Štěpán Špinka: Das Sein des Nicht-Seins. Einige Thesen zur strukturellen Ontologie im Dialog Sophistes 221; Christoph Ziermann: La négativité de l’être chez Platon 240; David Ambuel: The Coy Eristic: Defining the Image that Defines the Sophist 278; Francisco L. Lisi: Ποιητικὴ τέχνη in Platons Sophistes 311; Jakub Jinek: Die Verschiedenheit der Menschentypen in Platons Sophistes 328; T. D. J. Chappell: Making Sense of the Sophist : Ten Answers to Ten Questions 344; Index locorum 377.
Havlíček, Aleš, Jirsa, Jakub, and Thein, Karel, eds. 2013. Plato's Statesman. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Eighth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Jirsa, Jakub, Karfík, Filip, and Špinka, Štepán, eds. 2016. Plato's Philebus. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Ninth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Karfík, Filip, and Špinka, Štepán, eds. 2018. Plato's Timaeus. Prague: Oikoymenh.
Tenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Contents: Preface VII; Acknowledgments IX; Tanja Ruben: Genos, chōra et guerre dans le prologue du Timée-Critias 1; Lucius Hartmann: Die grosse Rede des Timaios – ein Beispiel wahrer Rhetorik? 22; Francesco Fronterotta: Panteles zōion e pantelōs on : Vita, anima e movimento intellegibile nel Timeo (e nel Sofista ) 49; Luc Brisson: How to Make a Soul in the Timaeus 70; Karel Thein: Planets and Time: A Timaean Puzzle 92; István M. Bodnár: The Day, the Month, and the Year: What Plato Expects from Astronomy 112; Ondřej Krása: Bodies and Space in the Timaeus 131; George Karamanolis: Does Plato Advance a Bundle Theory in the Timaeus ? 149; Gerd Van Riel: Matter Doesn’t Matter: On the Status of Bodies in the Timaeus (30a–32b and 53c–61c) 169; Marwan Rashed: An Unnoticed Analogy between the Timaeus and the Laws 187; Filip Karfík: What is Perceptible in Plato’s Timaeus ? 213; Gábor Betegh: Plato on Illness in the Phaedo , the Republic , and the Timaeus 228; Chad Jorgenson: Responsibility, Causality, and Will in the Timaeus 259; Index Locorum 275-283.
Mikeš, Vladimír, ed. 2022. Plato’s Cratylus. Leiden: Brill.
Eleventh Symposium Platonicum Pragense.
Contents: Preface – Making Sense of the Cratylus VII; Acknowledgments X; List of Tables XI;
1. Steffen Lund Jørgensen: The Opening of Plato’s Cratylus. A Prelude to a Socratic Reading of the Dialogue 1; 2. Francesco Ademollo: Why the Cratylus Matters, or: Plato’s Cratylus and the Philosophy of Language 26; 3. Francesco Aronadio: Intentionality and Referentiality in Plato’s Cratylus 48; 4. Vladimír Mikeš: What Remains of Socrates’ Naturalist Theory Once Conventionalism Is Accepted 65; 5. Anna Pavani: Forms and Names. On Cratylus 389a5– 390a10 90; 6. Jakub Jinek: Platons Theologie der Götternamen 107; 7. Olof Pettersson: Commerce, Theft and Deception. The Etymology of Hermes in Plato’s Cratylus 124; 8. Mariapaola Bergomi: Gorgias and the Cratylus 144; 9. Frédérique Ildefonse: Quelques Différences entre le Cratyle et le Sophiste 163; 10. Filip Karfík: A Theory of Language between the Cratylus , the Theaetetus and the Sophist 179; Index Locorum 191-198.
Plato's Gorgias. 2023.
Twelfth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Prague, November 13-15, 2019.
Not yet published.
Plato's Phaedrus. 2025.
Thirteenth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, Prague, November 3-5, 2021.
Not yet published.