Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Düring, Ingemar, and Owen, Gwilym Ellis Lane, eds. 1960. Aristotle and Plato in the Mid-Fourth Century. Göteborg: Studia Graeca et Latina Gothoburgensia.
Papers of the [First] Symposium Aristotelicum held at Oxford in August 1957.
Contents G. E. L. Owen: Preface VII;
David Ross: The development of Aristotle's thought 1;
O. Gigon: Prolegomena to an edition of the Eudemus 19;
I. Düring: Aristotle on ultimate principles from 'nature and reality': Prolrepticus fr. 13 35;
S. Mansion: Contemplation and action in Aristotle's Protrepticus 56;
E. de Stricker: On the first section of fr. 5 a of the Protrepticus 76;
R. Walzer: Aristotle, De Philosophia fr. 24 in the Arabic tradition 105;
P. Moraux: From the Protrepticus to the dialogue On Justice 113;
D. J. Allan: Aristotle and the Parmenides 133;
G. R. Morrow: Aristotle's comments on Plato's Laws 145;
G. E. L. Owen: Logic aud metaphysics in some earlier works of Aristotle 163;
D. A. Rees: Theories of the soul in the early Aristotle 191;
J. B. Skemp: 201;
F. Solmsen: Platonic influences iu the formation of Aristotle's physical system 213;
G. Verbeke: Υίη and υποδοχή. Plutarch and the development of Aristotle 236;
C. J. De Vogel: The legend of the Platonizing Aristotle 248;
P. Wilpert: The fragments of Aristotle's lost writings 257;
Index of passages 267; Index of subjects 275-279.
Aristote et les problèmes de méthode. 1961. Louvain: Publications universitaires.
[Deuxième] Symposium Aristotelicum, tenu à Louvain du 24 août au 1er septembre 1960.
Table des matières: Avant-Propos V-VI; Liste des participants VII;
Section 1. Problemes généraux.
Pierre Aubenque: Sur Ie notion aristotelicienne d'aporie 3; Joseph Moreau: Aristote et la verité antéprédicative 21; Suzanne Mansion: Le rôle de l'exposé et de la critique des philosophies anterieures chez Aristote 35; Augustin Mansion: L'origine du syllogisme et la théorie de la science chez Aristote 57; G. E. L. Owen: Tithenai ta Phainomena 83;
Section II. La méthode en métaphysique.
Gerard Verbeke: Démarches de la réflexion métaphysique chez Aristote 107; Olof Gigon: Methodische Probleme in der Metaphysik des Aristoteles 131; C. J. de Vogel: La méthode d'Aristote en métaphysique
d'apres Métaphysique A 1-2 147;
Section III. La méthode en philosophie naturelle.
Paul Moraux: La méthode d'Aristote dans l'éetude du ciel ( De Caelo I 1 - II 12) 173; D. M. Balme: Aristotle's use of differentiae in Zoology 195; Ingemar Düring: Aristotle's melthod in biology. A note on De Part. An. I 1, 639 b 30-640 a 2 213; Heinrich Dörrie: Gedanken zur Methodik des Aristoteles in der Schrift Περὶ Ψυχῆς 223;
Section IV. La méthode en éthique.
J. Donald Monan: Two methodological aspects of moral knowledge in the Nicomachean Ethics 247; W. Gerson Rabinowitz: Ethica Nicomachea II 1-6: Academic eleaticism and the critical formulation of Aristotle's discussion of moral virtue 273; D. J. Allan: Quasi-mathematical method in the Eudemian Ethics 303;
Section V. Aristote et son école.
F. Werli: Aristoteles in der Sicht seiner Schule, Platonisches und Vorplatonisches 321;
Table des références aux textes d' Aristote 337; Table des noms cités 353; Table des matières 361-362.
Owen, Gwilym Ellis Lane, ed. 1968. Aristotle on Dialectic: The Topics. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Proceedings of the Third Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford, 1963.
Contents: The Text.
Jacqus Brunschwig: Observations sur Ies manuscrits parisiens des Topiques 3; W. J. Verdenius: Notes on the Topics 22; Marion Soreth: Zu Topik E 7, 137a8-20 u n d b3-13 43;
Aristotle and Plato.
Friedrich Solmsen: Dialectic without the Forms 49; Gilbert Ryle: Dialectic in the Academy 69; Joseph Moreau: Aristote et la dialectique platonicienne 80; C. J. de Vogel: Aristotle's Attitude to PIato and the Theory of Ideas according to the Topics 91; G: E. L. Owen: Dialectic and Eristic in the Treatment of the Forms 103; L. Elders: The Topics and the Platonic Theory of Principles of Being 126;
The Equipment of Aristotelian Dialectic.
É de Strycker: Concepts-clés et terminologie dans les livres II à VII des Topiques 141; W. A. de Pater: La fonction du lieu et de l'instrument dans les Topiques 164; Suzanne Mansion: Notes sur la doctrine des catégories dans les Topiques 189; Ingemar Düring: Aristotle's Use of Examples in the Topics 202;
The Subject Matter of Particular Books.
Olof Gigon: Topik III. 1-3 233; G. Verbeke: La notion de propriété dans les Topiques 257; Paul Moraux: La joute dialectique d'après le huitième livre des Topiques 277;
I. Index of Sources: (a) Aristotle and the Ancient Commentators 313; (b) Plato 333; (c) Other Ancient Authorities 337; II. Index of Technical Terms 340; III. Index of Persons and Subjects 342-346.
Düring, Ingemar, ed. 1969. Naturphilosophie bei Aristoteles und Theophrast. Heidelberg: Lothar Stiehm Verlag.
Verhandlungen des 4. Symposium Aristotelicum veranstaltet in Göteborg, August, 1966.
Inhalt: E. Berti: Physique et métaphysique selon Aristote; J. Bollack: Deux figures principales de l'atomisme d'après Aristote: l'entrecroisement des atomes et la sphère du feu; F. Dirlmeier: Physik IV 10; A. Eldel: 'Actione and 'Passion' : some Philosophical Reflections; K. von Fritz: Das ἀπείρων bei Aristoteles; D. J. Furley: Aristotle and the Atomists on Infinity; K. Gaiser: Das Zweifache Telos bei Aristotles; O. Gigon: Die ἀρχαὶ der Vorsokratiker bei Theophrast; S. Mansion: To σιμόν et la définition physique; J. Mau: Zur Methode der aristotelischen .Ableitung der Elementar-Körper; J. Moreau: Le temps et l'instant selon Aristote; G. R. Morrow: Qualitative Change in Aristotle's Physics; K. Oehler: Die systematische lntegration der aristotelischen Metaphysik; J. Owens: The Aristotelian Argument for the Material Principle of Bodies; G. A. Seeck: Leicht-schwer und der Unbewegte Beweger; J. B. Skemp: P. Steinmetz: The Metaphysics of Theophrastus in Relation to the Doctrine of κίνησις in Plato s Later Dialogues; Ansatzpunkte der Elementenlehre Theopkrasts im Werk des Aristoteles; G. Verbeke: L'argument du livre VII de la Physique. Une impasse philosophique; W. J. Verdenius: Critical and exegetical Notes on De Caelo; H. Wagner: Einige schwierige Partien aus der aristotelischen Physikvorlesung,
Moraux, Paul, and Harlfinger, Dieter, eds. 1971. Untersuchungen zur Eudemischen Ethik. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Akten des 5. Symposium Aristotelicum, Oosterbeek, Niederlande, 21.-29. August 1969.
Inhaltverzeichnis:Vorwort VII; Fünftes Symposium Aristotelicum, Teilnehmerverzeichnis IX-X;
Dieter Harlfinger: Die Überlieferungsgeschichte der Eudemischen Ethik 1; Jean M. Mingay: Some controversial passages in the Eudemian Ethics 51; Donald J. Allan: The fine and the good in the Eudemian Ethics 63; C. J. Rowe: The meaning of φρόνησις in the Eudemian Ethics 73; Olof Gigon: Das Prooimion der Eudemischen Ethik 93; G. Verbeke: La critique des idées dans l' Ethique Eudémienne 135; Enrcio Berti: Multiplicité et unité du bien selon E E 1 8 157; David B. Robinson: Ends and means and logical priority 185; Enrico Berti: Réponse ä D. B . Robinson 195; Jacques Brunschwig: EE I 8, 1218 a 15-32 et le περί τάγαθοϋ 197; Jseph Moreau: Τέλος et αρετή d'apres EE II 1, et la tradition platonicienne 223; D. A. Rees: „Magnanimity" in the Eudemian and Nicomachean Ethics 231; Jean-Claude Fraissé: Αύτάρκεια et φιλία en E E VII 12 , 1244 b 1 - 1245 b 19 245; Paul Moraux: Das Fragment VIII 1. Text und Interpretation 253; W. J. Verdenius: Human reason and God in the Eudemian Ethics 285; Index locorum 299; Index nominum et rerum 311-317.
Aubenque, Pierre, ed. 1979. Études sur la Métaphysique d'Aristote. Paris: Vrin.
Actes du VI. Symposium Aristotelicum, Cerisy-la-Salle, 1972.
Table des matières: Pierre Aubenque: Avant-propos 5; Dieter Harlfinger: Zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der Metaphysik 7; Günter Patzig: Logical aspects of some arguments in Aristotle's Metaphysics 37; Émile de Strycker: Notes sur les relations entre la problématique du Sophiste de Platon et celle de la Métaphysique d'Aristote 49; Pierre Aubenque: La pensée de la substantialité dans la Métaphysique ( Zeta 17 et Theta 10) 69; Enrico Berti: Le problème de la substantialité de l'être et de l'un dans la Métaphysique 89; Jacques Brunschwig: La forme, prédicat de la matière? 131; Vianney Décarie: Le livre Z et la substance immatérielle 167; Suzanne Mansion: La notion de matière en Métaphysique , Z 10 et 11 185; Joseph Owens: The relation of God to world in the Metaphysics 207; J. B. Skemp: The activity of immobility 229; Maurice de Gandillac: Plotin et la Métaphysique d'Aristote 247; Index des noms: A) Auteurs anciens 265; B) Auteur modernes 265; Index des passages cités d'Aristote 269-273.
Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest Richard, and Owen, Gwilym Ellis Lane, eds. 1979. Aristotle on Mind and the Senses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum, Cambridge, 1975.
Contents: Preface VII; List of participants IX; S. 1. Mansion: Soul and life in the De anima 1; 2. Charles Lefèvre: Sur le statut de l'âme dans le De anima et le Parva naturalia 21; 3. Andreas Graeser: Om Aristotle's framework of Sensibilia 69; 4. M. Schofield: Aristotle on the imagination 99; 5. Enrico Berti: The intellection of indivisibles according to Aristotle De anima III 6 141; 6. David J. Furley: Self movers 165; 7. J. B. Skemp: ὄρεξῐς in De Anima III 10 181; 8. G. Verbeke: Doctrine du pneuma et entelechisme chez Aristote 191; 9. G. E. R. Lloyd: The empirical basis of the physiology of the Parva Naturalia 215; 10. Jürgen Wiesner: The unity of the De Somno and the physiological explanation of sleep in Aristotle 241; 11. Paul Moraux: Le De Anima dan la tradition Grecque: quelques aspects de l'interpretation du traité de Theophraste à Themistius 281; I Index of sources 325; II Index of technical terms 347; III Index of persons and subjects 348-362.
Berti, Enrico, ed. 1981. Aristotle on Science: The Posterior Analytics. Padova: Antenore.
Proceedings of the Eight Symposium Aristotelicum, Padua from September 7 to 15, 1978.
Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium Aristotelicum held in Padua from September 7 to 15, 1978.
Contents: Foreword 1; List of participants 3; Proceedings of previous Symposia 5;
1. Jonathan Barnes: Proof and the Syllogism 17; 2. Jacques Brunschwig: L'objet et la structure des Seconds Analytiques d'après Aristote 61; 3. M. F. Burnyeat: Aristotle on Understanding Knowledge 97; 4. Günther Patzig: Erkenntnisgründe, Realgründe und Erklärungen (zu An. post. A 13) 141; 5. A. C. Lloyd: Necessity and Essence in the Posterior Analytics 137; 6. Mario Mignucci: On epi to polu et nécessaire dans la conception aristotélicienne de la science 173; 7. Richard Sorabji: Definitions: Why Necessary and in What Way? 205; 8. Wolfgang Kullmann: Die Funktion der mathematischen Beispiele in Aristoteles' Analytica posteriora 245; 9. Walter Leszl: Mathematics, Axiomatization and the Hypotheses 271; 10. S. Mansion: La signification de l'universel d'après An. post. I 1 329; 11. W. J. Verdenius: Notes on Some Passages from Book I 343; 12. J. L. Ackrill: Aristotle’s Theory of Definition: Some Questions on Posterior Analytics II 8-10 339; 13. Charles H. Kahn: The Role of nous in the Cognition of First Principles in Posterior Analytics II 19 385;
Index of proper names 417; Index of Aristotelian texts 423.
Moraux, Paul, and Wiesner, Jürgen, eds. 1983. Zweifelhaftes im Corpus Aristotelicum. Studien zu einigen Dubia. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Akten des IX. Symposium Aristotelicum, Berlin, 7.-16. September 1981.
Inhalstverzeichnis: Vorwort VII; Neuntes Symposium Aristotelicum, Teilnehmerverzeichnis IX-X; Michael Frede: Titel, Einheit und Echtheit der aristotelischen Kategorienschrift 1; Andreas Graeser: Aspekte der Ontologie in der Kategorienschrift 30; Bertrand Dumoulin: L’ousia dans les Catégories et dans la Métaphysique 57; David J. Furley: The Mechanics of Metereologica IV. A Prolegomenon to Biology 73; Hans Strohm: Beobachtungen zum vierten Buch der aristotelischen Meteorologie 94; Martha Nussbaum: The “Common Explanation” of Animal Motion 116; Gudrun Vuillemin-Diem: Anmerkungen zum Pasikles-Bericht und zu Echtheitszweifeln am größeren und kleineren Alpha in Handschriften und Kommentaren 157; Olof Gigon: Versuch einer Interpretation von Metaphysik Alpha Elatton 193; Thomas A. Szlezäk: Alpha Elatton: Einheit und Einordnung in die Metaphysik 221; Enrico Berti: La fonction de Métaph. Alpha Elatton dans la philosophie d’Aristote 260; Vianney Décarie: L’authenticité du livre K de la Métaphysique 295; Pierre Aubenque: Sur l’inauthenticité du livre K de la Métaphysique 318; Anthony Kenny: A Stylometric Comparison between five disputed works and the remainder of the Aristotelian corpus 345; Index 367; Index locorum: Aristoteles 368; Auctores Graeci et Latini (praeter Aristotelem) 383; Index nominum et rerum 388; Corrigenda 402.
Graeser, Andreas, ed. 1987. Mathematik und Metaphysik bei Aristoteles / Mathematics and Metaphysics in Aristotle. Bern, Stuttgart: P. Haupt.
Akten des X. Symposium Aristotelicum, Sigriswil, 6.-12. September 1984.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Vorwort 5; Zehntes Symposium Aristotelicum, Teilnehmerverzeichnis 9; Enrico Berti: Les livres M et N dans la genese et la transmission de la Métaphysique 11; Christian Rutten: Métaphysique M et N. Essai de chronologie relative 33; Tuomas Alexander Szlezák: Die Lückenhaftigkeit der akademischen Prinzipientheorien nach Aristoteles' Darstellung in Metaphysik M und N 45; Gail Fine: Forms as Causes: Plato and Aristotle 69; Günther Patzig: Das Programm von Mund seine Ausführung 113; Julia Annas: Die Gegenstände der Mathematik bei Aristoteles 131; Jonathan Lear: Active Episteme 149; Mario Mignucci: Aristotle's Arithmetic 175; M. R. Burnyeat: Platonism and Mathematics. A Prelude to Discussion 213; Ian Mueller: Aristotle's Approach to the Problem of Principles in Metaphysics M and N 241; Margherit Isnardi Parente, TA META TAΣIΔΕΑΣ: Figures idéales ou premières figures? 261; Janine Bertier: Les preuves de la realité des nombres et la théorie des idées d'après Metaphysique N2, 1090a 2-3, 1090b 5 281; Index 311; Index locorum: Aristoteles 312; Index locorum: Auctores. Graeci et Latini (praeter Aristotelem) 323; Index Nominum 328-332.
Patzig, Günther, ed. 1990. Aristoteles Politik. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Akten des XI. Symposium Aristotelicum: Friedrichshafen/Bodensee, 25.8.-3.9.1987.
Inhaltsverzeichnis: Verzeichnis der Teilnehmer IX; Friihere Veroffentlichungen der Symposia Aristotelica XI;
Malcolm Schofield: Ideology and Philosophy in Aristotele's Theory of Slavery 1; Charles H. Kahn: Comments on M. Schofield 28; Gerhard Seel: Die Rechtfertigung von Herrschaft in der ,,Politik" des Aristoteles 32; Theodor Ebert: Bemerkungen zu G. Seel 63; Terence Irwin: The Good of Political Activity 73; Gisela Striker: Comments on T. Irwin 100; Richard Bodéûs: Savoir politique et savoir philosophique 102; Pierre Pellegrin: Naturalité, excellence, diversité. Politique et biologie chez Aristote 125; Martha C. Nussbaum: Nature, Function, and Capability: Aristotle on Political Distribution 153; David Charles: Comments on M. Nussbaum 188; Carnes Lord: Politics and Education in Aristotle's "Politics" 203; David A. Rees: Comments on C. Lord 217;John M. Cooper: Political Animals and Civic Friendship 221; Julia Annas: Comments on J. Cooper 243; Jonathan Barnes: Aristotle and Political Liberty 250; Richard Sorabji: Comments on J. Barnes: State Power: Aristotle and Fourth Century Philosophy 265; Christoph Eucken: Der aristotelische Demokratiebegriff und sein historisches Umfeld 278; Terence Irwin: Comments on Christoph Eucken 293; Carlo Natali: Aristote et la chrématistique 297; Günther Bien: Die Wirkungsgeschichte der aristotelischen ,, Politik '' 325; Wolfgang Kullmann: Bemerkungen zu G. Bien 357; Charles H. Kahn: The Normative Structure of Aristotle's "Politics" 369;
Index locorum: Aristoteles 385; Index locorum: Auctores Graeci et Latin 403; Index Nominum 407-411.
Furley, David, and Nehamas, Alexander, eds. 1994. Aristotle's Rhetoric. Philosophical Essays. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium Aristotelicum, Princeton, 1990.
Contents: David J. Furley: Preface VII-IX; Alexander Nehmas: Introduction XI-XIV; M.F. Burnyeat: Enthymeme: Aristotle on the logic of persuasion 3; Jacques Brunschwig: Rhétorique et dialectique, Rhétorique et Topiques 57; Eckart Schütrumpf: Some observations on the introduction to Aristotle's Rhetoric 99; Jürgen Sprute: Aristotle and the legitimacy of rhetoric 117; Mary Margaret McCabe: Arguments in context: Aristotle's defense of rhetoric 129; Glenn W. Most: The uses of Endoxa : philosophy and rhetoric in the Rhetoric 167; John M. Cooper: Ethical-political theory in Aristotle's Rhetoric 191; Stephen Halliwell: Popular morality, philosophical ethics, and the Rhetoric 211; Jean-Louis Labarrière: L'Orateur politique face à ses contraintes 231; Alexander Nehamas: Pity and fear in the Rhetoric and the Poetics 257; André Laks: Substitution et connaissance: une interprétation unitaire (ou presque) de la théorie aristotélicienne de la métaphore 283; Contributors 307; Index Locorum 309; Index Nominum 321-322.
[Aristotle's De interpretatione]. 1994.
"The XIIIth meeting of the Symposium Aristotelicum, which took place in 1993 on the De Interpretatione , had a very strange and very sad history. True enough, it took place in the enchanting decor of the Certosa di Pontignano, near Siena; and, as usual, it offered contributions and discussions of the highest order. But this time the publication of the papers met with insurmountable obstacles. It had been initially entrusted to Mario Mignucci and Michael Frede, two of the most faithful and devoted participants in the Symposium. Most infortunately, however, they were both wrenched from our admiration and affection, Mario Mignucci in 2004, after a protracted and merciless disease, Michael Frede in 2007, owing to an unpredictable, sudden accident. The inevitable ensuing delay for the publication of the XIIIth Symposium has not been caught up with so far and those members of the Organization Committee whom I have been able to contact told me that, in their opinion, it ran a strong risk of never being caught up at all, alas." (p. 35)
Jacques Brunschwig, Le chapitre 1 du 'De Interpretatione'. Aristote, Ammonius et nous , Laval Philosophique et Théologique, 64, 2008, pp. 35-87.
Frede, Michael, and Charles, David, eds. 2000. Aristotle's Metaphysics Lambda. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Oxford, 1996.
Contents: List of Contributors IX; Michael Frede: Introdcution 1; Michael Frede: Metaphysics Λ 1 53; 2. David Charles: Metaphysics Λ 2 81; 3. Lindsay Judson: Metaphysics Λ 3 111; 4. Michel Crubeller: Metaphysics Λ 4 137; 5. Alan CDode: Metaphysics Λ 5 161; 6. Enrcio Berti: Metaphysics Λ 6 181; André Laks: Metaphysics Λ 7 207; 8. G. E. R. Lloyd: Metaphysics Λ 8 245; 9. Jacques Brunschwig: Metaphysics Λ 9: A Short-Lived Experiment? 275; 10. Aryeh Kosman: Metaphysics Λ 9: Divine Thought 307; 11. David Sedley: Metaphysics Λ 10 327; Bibliography 351; Index Locorum 359; Index Nominum 363; General Index 365.
Haas, Frans de, and Mansfeld, Jaap, eds. 2004. Aristotle: On generation and corruption, Book 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Proceedings of the Fiftheenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Deurne, the Netherlands, 21 to 28 August 1999.
Contents: List of Contributors IX; Editor’s Introduction 1; M. F. Burnyeat: Introduction: Aristotle on the Foundations of Sublunary Physics 7; 1. Jacques Brunschwig: On Generation and Corruption I. 1: A False Start? 25; 2. David Sedley: On Generation and Corruption I.2 65; 3. Keimpe Algra: On Generation and Corruption I. 3: Substantial Change
and the Problem of Not-Being 91; 4. Sarah Broadie: On Generation and Corruption I. 4: Distinguishing Alteration 123; 5. David Charles: Simple Genesis and Prime Matter 151; 6. Alan Code: On Generation and Corruption I. 5 171; 7. Carlo Natali: On Generation and Corruption I. 6 195; 8. Christian Wildberg: On Generation and Corruption I. 7: Aristotle on poiein and paschein 219; 9. Edward Hussey: On Generation and Corruption I. 8 243; 10. Michel Crubellier: On Generation and Corruption I. 9 267; 11. Dorothea Frede: O n Generation and Corruption I. 10: On Mixture and Mixables 289; 12. John M. Cooper: A Note on Aristotle on Mixture 315; References 327; Index Locorum Potiorum 331; Index Nominum et Rerum 345-347.
Crubellier, Michel, and Laks, André, eds. 2009. Aristotle: Metaphysics Beta. New York: Oxford University Press.
Proceedings of the Sixteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Lille, 20–24 August 2002.
Contents: List of participants VIII; Michel Crubellier and André Laks: Introduction 1; 1. André Laks: Aporia Zero (Metaphysics, B 1, 995a 24–995b 4) 25; 2. Michel Crubellier: Aporiai 1–2 47; 3. Frans A. J. de Haas: Aporiai 3–5 73; 4. Enrico Berti: Aporiai 6–7 105; 5. Sarah Broadie: Aporia 8 135; 6. Christian Wildberg: Aporiai 9–10 151; 7. Walter Cavini: Aporia 11 175; 8. Ian Mueller: Aporia 12 (and 12 bis) 189; 9. Stephen Menn: Aporiai 13–14 211; Bibliography 267; Index locorum 273; Index of Modern Names 289; General Index 292.
Natali, Carlo, ed. 2009. Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics, Book 7. New York: Oxford University Press.
Seventeenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Venezia, 11-16 luglio 2005.
Contents: List of Contributors VIII; Carlo Natali: Editor's Introduction 1; 1. John M. Cooper: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 1-2: Introduction, Method, Puzzles 9; 2. David Charles: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 3: Varieties of akrasia 41; 3. Hendrik Lorenz: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 4: Plain and Qualified akrasia 72; 4. Carlo Natali: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 5-6: Beastliness, Irascibility, akrasia 103; 5. Chris Borononic: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 7: Akrasia and Self-Control 130; 6. Sarah Broadie: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 8-9 (1151b 22): Akrasia, enkrateiea , and Look-Alikes 157; 7. Teun Tieleman: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 8 (1151b 23)-10: (In)Continence in Context 173; 8. Dorothea Frede: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 11-12: Pleasure 183; 9. Christo Rapp: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 13-14 (1154a 21): Pleasure and eudaimonia 209; 10. Gwenaelle Aubry: Nicomachean Ethics VII, 14 (1154 a22 - b34): The Pain of Living and Divine Pleasure 237; Bibliography 265; Index locorum 271; Index nominum 287; General Index 291.
Steel, Carlos, ed. 2012. Aristotle's Metaphysics Alpha. New York: Oxford University Press.
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Leuven, 7th to 13th July 2008, with a new critical edition of the Greek Text by Oliver Primavesi.
Contents: List of Participants IX; 1. Giuseppe Cambiano: The Desire to Know { Metaphysics A1) 1; 2. Sarah Broadie: A Science of First Principles { Metaphysics A2) 43; 3. Rachel Barney: History and Dialectic ( Metaphysics A3, 983*24 - 984b8) 69; 4. Gábor Betegh: ' The Next Principle ' ( Metaphysics A3-4, 984b8 - 985b22) 105; 5. Malcolm Schofield: Pythagoreanism: emergingfrom the Presocratic fog { Metaphysics A5) 141; 6. Carlos Steel: Plato as seen hy Aristotle ( Metaphysics A 6) 167; 7. Stephen Menn: Critique of Earlier Philosophers on the Good and the Causes ( Metaphysics A7-A8 989a18) 201; 8. Oliver Primavesi: Second thoughts on some Presocratics ( Metaphysics A8, 989a18 - 990a32) 225; 9. Dorothe Frede: The Doctrine of Forms under Critique — PART I ( Metaphysics A9, 990a33-991b9) 265; 10. Dorothea Frede: The Doctrine of Forms under Critique - PART II ( Metaphysics A9, 991b9 - 993b10) 297; 11. Michel Crubellier: Conclusion - and Retrospect ( Metaphysics A10) 335; 12. John M. Cooper: Bibliography 365-383;
Aristotle, Metaphysics A: A New Critical Edition with Introduction 385;
Oliver Primavesi: Introduction: The Transmission of the Text and the Riddle of the Two Versions 387;
Bibliography 459-464;
Oliver Primavesi: Text of Metaphysics A (and of the corresponding parts of M 4-3) 465;
Index of Names 517; Index locorum 521; General Index 534-541.
Rapp, Christopher, and Primavesi, Oliver, eds. 2020. Aristotle's De Motu Animalium. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Nineteenth Symposium Aristotelicum, Munich, 16–22 July, 2011.
Contents: Preface VII; List of Participants IX; Christof Rapp: Introduction Part I: The Argument of De Motu Animalium 67; Oliver Primavesi: Introduction Part II: The Text of De Motu Animalium 67; Oliver Primavesi, Benjamin Morison: A New Critical Edition of the Greek Text with an English Translation 159; Christof Rapp: I. The Inner Resting Point and the Common Cause of Animal Motion: MA 1 203; II. Ursula Cope: Animal and Celestial Motion: the Role of an External Springboard: MA 2–3 240; III. Benjamin Morison: Completing the Argument that Locomotion Requires an External and Unmoved Mover: MA 4–5 273; IV. Klaus Corcilius: Resuming Discussion of the Common Cause of Animal Self-Motion: How Does the Soul Move the Body? MA 6 299; V. John M. Cooper: The Role of Thought in Animal Voluntary Self-Locomotion: MA 7 (through 701b1) 345; VI. R.J. Hankinson: Aristotle and the Mechanics of Desire: MA 7 (from 701b2) – 8 387; VII. Pavel Gregoric: The Origin and the Instrument of Animal Motion: MA 9 - 10 416; VIII. Pierre-Marie Morel: Voluntary or Not? The Physiological Perspective: MA 11 445; IX. André Laks: Articulating the De Motu Animalium: The Place of the Treatise within the Corpus Aristotelicum 475; Bibliography 497; Index Locorum 521; Index of Names 545.
Ierodiakonou, Katerina, Kalligas, Paul, and Karasmanis, Vassilis, eds. 2019. Aristotle's Physics Alpha. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Twentieth Symposium Aristotelicum, Delphi 26 July - 2 August 2014.
Contents: List of Participants IX; Symposium Aristotelicum X; Carlo Natali: Introduction: Some General Remarks on Aristotle's Physics I 1; I. Stephen Menn: Physics I 1: The Path to the Principles 19; 2. Michel Crubellier: Physics I 2: Lookingfor a Starting Point - The Eleatic Paradox Put to Good Use 53; 3. Diana Quarantotto: Physics I 3: Towards the Principles-Resolving the Eleatics' Arguments for Absolute Monism 89; 4. Gábor Betegh: Physics I 4: One and Many 124; 5. Sylvain Delcomminette: Physics I 5: Principles and Contraries 156; 6. Andreas Anagnostopoulos: Physics I 6: A Third and Underlying Principle 190; 7. Benjamin Morison: Physics I 7, Part 1: The Complexity of the Subject in a Change 229; 8. Hendrik Lorenz: Physics I 7, Part 2: The Principles of Natural Things - Two or Three? 262; 9. Mariska Leunissen: Physics I 8: The Route to Solving the Eleatic Puzzle 286; 10. Sarah Broadie: Physics I 9: Responding to the Platonists 302; Bibliography 341; Index of Names 351; Index of Passages 356.
Aristotle's Eudemian Ethics. 2023.
Twenty-first Symposium Aristotelicum, Athens, GA, USA (July 23-29, 2017).
Not yet published.
Aristotle's Categories. 2025.
Twenty-second Symposium Aristotelicum, Oslo (August 8-14, 2022).
Not yet published.