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Proceedings of the Symposium Hellenisticum

List of the Proceedings of the "Symposium Hellenisticum"

  1. Schofield, Malcolm, Burnyeat, Myles, and Barnes, Jonathan, eds. 1980. Doubt and Dogmatism. Studies in Hellenistic Epistemology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

    First Symposium Hellenisticum, Oxford, 1978.

    Contents: G. E. L. Owen: Preface V; Acknowledgements VII; Note to the Reader XI-XII; 1. David Sedley: The Protagonists 1; 2. M. F. Burnyeat: Can the Sceptic Live his Scepticism? 20; 3. Gisela Striker: Sceptical Strategies 54; 4. Julia Annas: Truth and Knowledge 84; 5. C.C. W. Taylor: 'All Perceptions are True' 105; 6. Jacques Brunschwig: Proof Defined 125; 7. Jonathan Barnes: Proof Destroyed: 161; 8. Claude Imbert: Stoic Logic and Alexandrian Poetics 182; 9. Michel Frede: The Original Notion of Cause 217; 10. Richard Sorabji: Causation, Laws, and Necessity 250; 11. Malcolm Schofield: Preconception, Argument, and God 283; Select Bibliography 309; Index Locorum 317; Index of Greek Words 333; General Index 335-342.

  2. Barnes, Jonathan, Brunschwig, Jacques, Burnyeat, Myles, and Schofield, Malcolm, eds. 1982. Science and Speculation. Studies in Hellenistic Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Second Symposium Hellenisticum, Paris, 1980.

    Contents: Victor Goldschmidt: Preface IX; Acknowledgements XVII; Jonathan Barnes: Introduction XIX; Bibliographical note XXV; Chronological table XXVII; 1. Michael Frede: The method of the so-called Methodical school of medicine 1; 2. Jonathan Barnes: Medicine, experience and logic 24; 3. Ian Mueller: Geometry and scepticism 69; 4. François De Gandt: Force et science des machines 96; 5. G. E. R. Lloyd: Observational error in later Greek science 128; 6. A. A. Long: Astrology: arguments pro and contra 165; 7. M. F. Burnyeat: The origins of non-deductive inference 193; 8. David Sedley: On Signs 239; 9. Jean-Paul Dumont: Confirmation et disconfirmation 273; 10. Victor Goldschmidt: La théorie épicurienne du droit 304; Indexes (i) Passages 327, (ii) General index 341, (iii) Index and glossary of Greek terms 349-351.

  3. Schofield, Malcolm, and Striker, Gisela, eds. 1986. The Norms of Nature. Studies in Hellenistic Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Third Symposium Hellenisticum, Bad Homburg, 1983.

    Contents: Acknowledgements; G. Patzig: Preface;

    Part I. Argument, belief and emotion.

    1. J. Annas: Doing without objective values: ancient and modern strategies 3; 2. M. Nussbaum: 2 Therapeutic arguments: Epicurus and Aristotle 31; 3. D. Furley: Nothing to us? 75; 4. M. Frede: The Stoic doctrine of the affections of the soul 93;

    Part II. Ethical foundations and the summum bonum.

    5. J. Brunschwig: The cradle argument in Epicureanism and Stoicism 113; 6. T. Engberg-Pedersen: Discovering the good: oikeiosis and katheconta in Stoic ethics 145; 7. G. Striker: Antipater, or the art of living 185; 8. T. H. Irwin: Stoic and Aristotelian conceptions of happiness 205; 9. M. Hossenfelder: Epicurus - hedonist malgré lui 245;

    Bibliography 265; Index of passages 271; Glossary of Greek and Latin terms 281;

    General index 283.

  4. Barnes, Jonathan, and Mignucci, Mario, eds. 1988. Matter and Metaphysics. Napoli: Bibliopolis.

    Proceedings of the fourth Symposium Hellenisticum, Pontignano, Italy 1986.

    Contents: Richard Sorabji: The Lays of Ancient Tuscany 9; Gabriele Giannantoni: Introduzione 11; Jacques Brunschwig: La théorie stoïcienne du genre suprême et l'ontologie platonicienne 19; Mario Mignucci: The Stoic notion of relatives 129; Jonathan Barnes: Bits and pieces 223; David Sedley: Epicurean anti-reductionism 295; Malcolm Schofield: The retrenchable present 329; Nicholas Denyer: Stoicism and token reflexivity 375; Anna Maria Ioppolo: Le cause antecedenti in Cicero De fato 40 397; Fernanda Decleva Caizzi: La "materia scorrevole". Sulle tracce di un dibattito perduto 425; Michael Wolff: Hipparchus and the Stoic theory of motion 471; Index locorum 549; Index of names 573; Index of subjects 581; Index of Greek and Latin terms 591-596.

  5. Brunschwig, Jacques, and Nussbaum, Martha, eds. 1993. Passions and Perceptions. Studies in Hellenistic Philosophy of Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Fifth Symposium Hellenisticum, Champagnole, 1989.

    Contents: Preface IX; Avant-propos XI-XII;

    Part I. Ethics and Psychology of Edonism 1.

    1. G. Striker: Epicurean hedonism 3; 2. A. Laks: Annicéris et les plaisirs psychiques: quelques préalables doxographiques 7;

    Part II. Atomism and Epichurean Psychology 51.

    3. J. Annas: Epicurus on agency 53; 4. D. Furley: Democritus and Epicurus on sensible qualities 72;

    Part III. The Passions 95.

    5. M. C. Nussbaum: Poetry and the passions: two Stoic views 97; 6. B. Inwood: Seneca and psychological dualism 150; 7. J. Hankinson: Actions and passions: affection, emotion and moral self-management in Galen's philosophical psychology 184;

    Part IV. Stoic Psychological Concepts 223.

    8. J.-L. Labarrière: De la 'nature phantastique' des animaux chez les Stoiciens 225; 9. C. Levy: Le concept de doxa des Stoiciens à Philon d'Alexandrie: essai d'étude diachronique 250; 10. P. Mitsis: Seneca on reason, rules and moral development 285; 11. D. Sedley: Chrysippus on psychophysical causality 313; Bibliography 332; Subject index 334; Name index 346; Index of passages cited 351-364..

  6. Laks, André, and Schofield, Malcolm, eds. 1995. Justice and Generosity. Studies in Hellenistic Social and Political Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Sixth Symposium Hellenisticum, Cambridge, 1992.

    Contents: Preface IX; Introduction 1;

    Part I. Political Philosophy: Development and Transformation.

    1. David E. Hahm: Polybius' applied political theory 7; 2. Jean-Louis Ferrary: The statesman and the law in the political philosophy of Cicero 48; 3. Julia Annas: Aristotelian political theory in the Hellenistic period 74; 4. Carlo Natali: Oikonomia in Hellenistic political thought 95; 5. J. L. Moles: The Cynics and politics 129;

    Part II. The Ethical Framework of Politics and Society.

    6. Antonina Alberti: The Epicurean theory of law and justice 161; 7. Malcolm Schofield: Two Stoic approaches to justice 191; 8. A. A. Long: Cicero's politics in De officiis 213; 9. Brad Inwood: Politics and paradox in Seneca's De beneficiis 249; Bibliography 266; General index 280; Index of Greek and Latin words 285; Index of ancient names and philosophical schools 287; Index of passages 290-291.

  7. Inwood, Brad, and Mansfeld, Jaap, eds. 1997. Assent and Argument. Studies in Cicero's Academic Books. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Seventh Symposium Hellenisticum, Cambridge, 1992.

    Contents: Preface VII; Introduction IX-XI; M. Griffin: The composition of the Academica : motives and versions 1; W. Gõrler: Cicero's philosophical stance in the Lucullus 36; J. Glucker: Socrates in the Academic books and other Ciceronian works 58; T. Dorandi: Gli Academica quale fonte per la storia dell' Academia 89; K. A. Algra: Chrysippus, Carneades, Cicero: the ethical divisiones in Cicero's Lucullus 107; J. Barnes: Logic in Academica I and the Lucullus 140; R. J. Hankinson: Natural criteria and the transparency of judgement: Antiochus, Philo and Galen on epistemological justification 161; J. Allen: Carneadean argument in Cicero's Academic books 217; G. Striker: Academics fighting Academics 257; M. F. Burnyeat: Antipater and self-refutation: elusive arguments in Cicero's Academica 277; Index Nominum et rerum 311; Index locorum potiorum 316-323.

  8. Frede, Dorothea, and Laks, André, eds. 2002. Traditions of Theology. Studies in Hellenistic Theology, Its Background and Aftermath. Leiden: Brill.

    Eighth Symposium Hellenisticum, Villeneuve-d'Asq, 1998.

    Contents: D. Frede, André Laks: Introduction VII-XIV; R. Sharples: Aristotelian Theology after Aristotle 1; D. Sedley: The Origins of Stoic God 41; D. Frede: Theodicy and Providential Care in Stoicism 85; B. Inwood: God and Human Knowledge in Seneca's Natural Questions 119; M. Erler: Epicurus as deus mortalis. Homoiosis theoi and Epicurean Self cultivation 159; D. Obbink: 'All Gods are True' in Epicurus 183; J. Dillon: Plutarch and God: Theodicy and Cosmogony in the Thought of Plutarch 223; E. Spinelli: Sesto Empirico e l'astrologia 239; D. Runia: The beginnings of the end: Philo of Alexandria and Hellenistic Theology 281; Indexes compiled by S. Fazzo and A. Laks: Index Nominum 317; Index Rerum 321; Index Locorum 325-348.

  9. Frede, Dorothea, and Inwood, Brad, eds. 2005. Language and Learning. Philosophy of Language in the Hellenistic Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Ninth Symposium Hellenisticum, Hamburg, 2001.

    Contents: List of ontributors VII; Preface IX; List of abbreviations XI; Introduction 1; 1. J. Allen: The Stoics on the origin of language and the foundations of etymology 14; 2. A. A. Long: Stoic linguistics, Plato's Cratylus, and Augustine's De dialectica 36; 3. A. Verlinsky: Epicurus and his predecessors on the origin of language 56; 4. C. Atherton: Lucretius on what language is not 101; 5. I. Sluiter: Communicating Cynicism: Diogenes' gangsta rap 139; 6. C. Brittain: Common sense: concepts, definition and meaning in and out of the Stoa 164; 7. D. Blank: Varro's anti-analogist 210; 8.S. Bobzien: The Stoics on fallacies of equivocation 239; 9. J. Barnes: What is a disjunction? 274; 10. S. Ebbesen: Theories of language in the Hellenistic age and in the twelfth and thirteeenth centuries 299; References 320; Index nominum et rerum 336; Index locorum 341-353.

  10. Ioppolo, Anna Maria, and Sedley, David, eds. 2007. Pyrrhonists, Patricians, Platonizers. Hellenistic Philosophy in the Period 155-86 BC. Napoli: Bibliopolis.

    Tenth Symposium Hellenisticum, Roma, 2004.

    Contents: A.M. Ioppolo and D. N. Sedley: Introduction 9; J.-L. Ferrary: Les philosophes grecs à Rome (155-86 A V. J.-C.) 17; D. E. Hahm: Critolaus and Late Hellenistic Peripatetic Philosophy 47; T. Tieleman: Panaetius' Place in the History of Stoicism with Special Reference to His Moral Psychology 103; F. Alesse: Il concetto di ousia nel pensiero metafisico e cosmologico di Posidonio: alcune considerazioni su F 92 e 96 EK (= 267 e 268 Th.) 143; J. Annas: Carneades' Classification of Ethical Theories 187; A.M. Ioppolo: L'assenso nella filosofia di Clitomaco: un problema di linguaggio? 225; M. Schofield: Aenesidemus: Pyrrhonist and "Heraclitean" 269; V. Tsouna: Philodemus and the Epicurean Tradition 339; Chronological Table 398; Index locorum 403; Index of ancient names 421; Index of modern authors 427-430.

  11. Algra, Keimpe, and Ioerodakonou, Katerina, eds. 2015. Sextus Empiricus and Ancient Physics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Eleventh Symposium Hellenisticum, Delphi, 2007.

    M = Adversus Mathematicos.

    Contents: Keimpe Algra and Katerina Ierodiakonou: Introduction; 1. Richard Bett: God: M 9.13–194; 2. Michael J. White: Cause: M 9.195–330; 3. Katerina Ierodiakonou: Wholes and parts: M 9.331–358; 4. Gábor Betegh: Body: M 9.359–440; 5. Keinpe Algra: Place: M 10.1–36; 6. R. J. Hankinson: Motion: M 10.37–168; 7. Susanne Bobzien: Time: M 10.169–247; 8. Tad Brennan: Number: M 10.248–309; 9. James Warren: Coming-to-be and passing-away: M 10.310–351.

  12. Annas, Julia, and Betegh, Gábor, eds. 2016. Cicero's De Finibus: Philosophical Approaches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Twelfth Symposium Hellenisticum, Budapest, 2010.

    Contents: List of contributors VII; Julia Annas: Introduction 1; Charles Brittain: 1. Cicero’s sceptical methods: the example of the De Finibus 12; 2. James Warren: Epicurean pleasure in Cicero’s De Finibus 41; 3. Pierre-Marie Morel: Cicero and Epicurean virtues (De Finibus 1–2) 77; 4. Dorothea Frede: Epicurus on the importance of friendship in the good life (De Finibus 1.65–70; 2.78–85) 96; 5. Margaret Graver: Honor and the honorable: Cato’s discourse in De Finibus 3 118; 6. Brad Inwood: The voice of nature 147; 7. Anna Maria Ioppolo: Sententia explosa : criticism of Stoic ethics in De Finibus 4 167; 8. Thomas Bénatouïl: Structure, standards and Stoic moral progress in De Finibus 4 198; 9. Christopher Gill: Antiochus’ theory of oikeiōsis 221; Bibliography 248; Subject index 259; Index locorum 262.

  13. Bénatouil, Thomas, and Ierodiakonou, Katerina, eds. 2018. Dialectic after Plato and Aristotle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Thirteeenth Symposium Hellenisticum, Abbaye des Prémontrés at Pont-à-Mousson (Lorraine, France), 15-19 July 2013.

    Contents: List of Contributors VII; Preface IX, List of Abbreviations X; Thomas Bénatouïl: Introduction: Dialectics in Dialogue 1; James Allen: Megara and Dialectic 17; Paolo Crivelli: Dialectic in the Early Peripatos 47; David Sedley: Epicurus on Dialectic 82; Katerina Ierodiakonou: Dialectic as a Subpart of Stoic Philosophy 114; Jean-Baptiste Gourinat: Stoic Dialectic and Its Objects 134; Luca Castagnoli: Dialectic in the Hellenistic Academy 168; Tobias Reinhardt: Pithana and probabilia 218; Sophie Aubert-Baillot: Terminology and Practice of Dialectic in Cicero’s Letters 254; Benjamin Morison: The Sceptic’s Modes of Argumentation 283; Riccardo Chiaradonna: Galen and Middle Platonists on Dialectic and Knowledge 320; Bibliography 350; Index of Names 371; Index of Passages 376-391.

  14. Inwood, Brad, and Warren, James, eds. 2020. Body and Soul in Hellenistic Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University press.

    Fourteenth Symposium Hellenisticum.

    Contents: List of Contributors VI; List of Abbreviations VII; Brad Inwood, James Warren: Introduction 1;

    1. Sylvia Berryman: Hellenistic Medicine, Strato of Lampsacus, and Aristotle's Theory of Soul 9; David Leith:

    2. Herophilus and Erasistratus on the Hegemonikon 30; 3. Philip van der Eijk: Galen on Soul, Mixture and Pneuma 62; 4. The Partition of the Soul: Francesco Verde: Epicurus, Demetrius Lacon, and Diogenes of Oinoanda 89; 5. Francesco Ademollo: Cosmic and Individual Soul in Early Stoicism 113; 6. Christelle Veillard: Soul, Pneuma , and Blood: The Stoic Conception of the Soul 145; 7. Jan Opsomer: The Platonic Soul, frorn the Early Academy to the First Century CE 171; 8. J. P. F. Wynne: Cicero on the Soul's Sensation of Itself: Tusculans 1.49-76 199; Bibliography 231; Index Locorum 252; Subject Index 262.