Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Meinong, Alexius:
German Edition, Translations and Bibliographical Resources
Ockham. William of (see: William of Ockham)
Selected and annotated Bibliography of studies on Parmenides in English:
Bibliographies on Parmenides in other languages:
Bibliographie des études en Français A - Cor
Bibliographie des études en Français Cou - Luc
Bibliographie des études en Français Mal - Z
Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano
Indici dei volumi della collana Eleatica
Bibliographie der Studien auf Deutsch
Bibliografía de estudios en Español
Bibliografía de estudos em Português
Critical Editions and Translations
Peirce, Charles S. (Theory of Categories)
Selected Bibliography on Plato's Sophist in English:
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (A - Buc)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Can - Fos)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Fra - Kah)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Kal - Mig)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Mil - Pec)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Pel - San)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated Bibliography (Say - Zuc)
Bibliographies on Plato's Sophist in other languages:
Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (A - L)
Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (M - Z)
Platon: Sophistes. Ausgewählte Studien in Deutsch
Platone: Sofista. Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano
Platón: Sofista. Bibliografía de estudios en Español
Platão: Sofista. Bibliografía dos estudos em Portugués
Poinsot, John (John of St. Thomas)
Francisco Suárez:
Editions and Translations of the Metaphysical Works of Francisco Suárez
Sylvan, Richard (born Routley, Richard)
Theophrastus of Eresus (Metaphysics)
Whitehead, Alfred