Theory and History of Ontology

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Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail:


Index of the bibliographies on philosophers

Authors in alphabetical order (A - K)

Abelard, Peter (see: Peter Abelard)

Aertsen, Jan Adrianus (1938 - )

Selected Bibliography: Writings in English

Selected Bibliography: Writings in German

Albertazzi, Liliana


Aristotle's Definition of a Science of Being qua Being

Aristotle's Categories. Annotated Bibliography of the studies in English:

First part: A - C

Second part: D - Het

Third part: Hin - N

Fourth part: O - Z

Bibliographie der deutschen Studien zur Aristoteles Kategorien

Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote

Bibliografia degli studi italiani sulle Categorie di Aristotele

Armstrong, David Malet


Translations of the Logical and Metaphysical Works

Avicenna A - G

Avicenna H - Z

Bergmann, Gustav


Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: First Part: A - Gib

Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Second Part: Gra - Mez

Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Third Part: Mic - Z

Bolzano, Bernard:

Studies in English:

First Part: A - B

Second Part: C - Geo

Third Part: Gie - L

Fourth Part: M - R

Fifth Part: S - Z

Bibliography of the English translations

Bernard Bolzano: Traductions et Essais en Français (A - L)

Bernard Bolzano: Études en Français (M - Z)

Traduzioni e Studi in Italiano

Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Studien

Vollständige Liste der Bände der Reihe Beiträge zur Bolzano Forschung

Brentano, Franz:

Studies in English:

Editions and translations

First Part: A - Bar

Second Part: Bau - Chr

Third Part: Cos - Gau

Fourth Part: Gea - Kra

Fifth Part: Kri - Moh

Sixth Part: Mon - Rut

Seventh Part: San - Srz

Eigth Part: Tai - Z

Studien in German

Etudes en Français

Studi in Italiano

Buchler, Justus

Bunge, Mario

Buridan, John (Jean):

Butchvarov, Panayot

Cocchiarella, Nino:

Annotated bibliography: Books

Annotated bibliography 1966-1977

Annotated bibliography 1978-1992

Annotated bibliography 1993-2019

Deely, John:

Deely 1965 - 1998

Deely 1999 - 2009

Descartes, René:

René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Premièrere Partie: 1616-1640)

René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Deuxièreme Partie: 1641-1650)

Descartes: Biographies, Bibliographies, Dictionnaires, Lexiques

Descartes. Bibliographies, Concordances, Dictionaries, Lexica

Bibliographie des études en français sur les sources de la philosophie de Descartes

Bibliography of the studies in English on the sources of Descartes' philosophy

Bibliographie sur René Descartes et la recherche de la mathesis universalis

Plotinus: the One and the Hierarchy of Being (under construction)

Diogenes Laertius

Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (A-Lea)

Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (Lew-Z)

Bibliografia degli studi in italiano su Diogene Laerzio

Bibliographie des études en Français sur Diogène Laërce

Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Studien zu Diogenes Laertios

Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the editions and translations in French, Italian, German, Spanish, Catalan, Portuguese, Latin

Doyle, John P.

Duns Scotus, John

Englebretsen, George

Eriugena, John Scottus (see: John Scottus Eriugena)

Fine, Kit:

Annotated bibliography 1970 - 1981

Annotated bibliography 1982 - 1998

Annotated bibliography 1999 - 2011

Annotated bibliography 2012 - 2022

Unpublished Papers (available on line)

Kit Fine. Annotated bibliography of the studies on His Philosophy

Freedman Joseph S.

Frege, Gottlob

Goodman, Nelson

Grossmann Reinhardt

Hartmann, Nicolai

Heidegger, Martin:

Heidegger Gesamtausgabe (Collected Works)

Heidegger on Alétheia (Truth)

Heidegger on Ontotheology

Husserl, Edmund:

Husserl A - J

Husserl K - Z

Ingarden, Roman

John of St. Thomas (see: Poinsot, John)

John Scottus Eriugena

The Works of Eriugena: Editions and Translations

Bibliography on the Philosophical Work of Eriugena:

Eriugena: A - J

Eriugena: K - Z

Kotarbinski, Tadeusz