Theory and History of Ontology

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Theory and History of Ontology by Raul Corazzon | e-mail:


What's New on This Site: Recently Modified Pages

Last updates

February 10th, 2025: Updated Aristotle's Categories: Annotated bibliography of the studies in English; updated also the bibliographies in French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

November 7th, 2024: Updated the Annotated bibliography on the Debate about the Subject Matter of First Philosophy.

October 28th, 2024: Updated the Bibliography of the studies in English on Stanisław Leśniewski.

July 22nd, 2024: Updated the Bibliography on the history of fundamentality and grounding.

July 1st, 2024: Updated Parmenides of Elea. Annotated bibliography of the studies in English and the bibliographies on Parmenides in French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

December 8th, 2023: Updated the Bibliography on Boethius' metaphysics.

December 6th, 2023: Updated the Bibliography on Diogenes Laertius.

July 9th, 2023: Updated the Bibliography on Franz Brentano.

May 17th, 2023: Updated the Bibliography on Roman Ingarden.

May 17th, 2023: Updated the Bibliography on the Catalogues of Aristotle's Writings.

April 5th, 2023: Updated the Annotated Bibliography of Joseph S. Freedman.

January 26th, 2023: Added three new pages with the list of the Proceedings of:

Symposium Platonicum

Symposium Aristotelicum

Symposium Hellenisticum
