Theory and History of Ontology ( Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
Heraclitus and the Question of the One and the Many (under construction)
Critical Editions and translations
Annotated bibliography of studies on Parmenides in English:
Bibliographies on Parmenides in other languages:
Bibliographie des études en Français A - Cor
Bibliographie des études en Français Cou - Luc
Bibliographie des études en Français Mal - Z
Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano
Indici dei volumi della collana Eleatica
Bibliographie der Studien auf Deutsch
Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues
Selected bibliography on Plato's Parmenides
Selected and Annotated bibliography of studies on Plato's Sophist in English:
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (A - Buc)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Can - Fos)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Fra - Kah)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Kal - Mig)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Mil - Pec)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Pel - San)
Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Say - Zuc)
Bibliographies on Plato's Sophist in other languages:
Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (A - L)
Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (M - Z)
Platon: Sophistes. Ausgewählte Studien in Deutsch
Platone: Sofista. Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano
Aristotle's Categories. Annotated bibliography of the studies in English:
Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote (A-F)
Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote (G-Z)
Bibliografia degli studi italiani sulle Categorie di Aristotele
Bibliographie der deutschen Studien zur Aristoteles Kategorien
Bibliografía de estudios en español y portugués sobre las Categorías de Aristóteles
Aristotle on the Subject Matter of Metaphysics
Selected bibliography on Aristotle's Concept of Metaphysics
Bibliography on the Recovery of Aristotle's Works
Selected bibliography on the Philosophical Work of Theophrastus
The Ancient Divisions of Philosophy (under construction)
The Stoic Doctrine of "Something" as Supreme Genus (under construction)
Selected bibliography on Stoic Ontology
The Stoic Doctrine of "Something" as Supreme Genus (under construction)
Selected bibliography on Stoic Ontology
Plotinus: the One and the Hierarchy of Being (under construction)
Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (A-Lea)
Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (Lew-Z)
Bibliografia degli studi in italiano su Diogene Laerzio
Bibliographie des études en Français sur Diogène Laërce
Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Studien zu Diogenes Laertios
Proceedings of the Symposium Platonicum
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: First Part: A - Gib
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Second Part: Gra - Mez
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Third Part: Mic - Z
Boèce: Bibliographie sélective des traductions et des études en français
Boezio: traduzioni Italiane e bibliografia degli studi sulla sua filosofia
General Bibliography on the Neoplatonic Commentators
Bibliography on the Neoplatonic Commentaries to Aristotle's Metaphysics
The Works of Eriugena: Editions and translations
Bibliography on the Philosophical Work of Eriugena:
Translations of the Philosophical Works of Avicenna
Selected bibliography on Avicenna's Logic and Metaphysics:
Averroes (Ibn Rushd) on the Divine as the Subject of Metaphysics
Selected bibliography on the History of Continental Ontology from Suárez to Kant
Bibliography of the Ontologists from 16th to 18th Centuries:
I. From Fonseca to Poinsot (1560 - 1644)
II. From Scheibler to Lambert (1645 - 1777)
Selected bibliography on Suárez' Metaphysics
Editions and translations of the Metaphysical Works of Francisco Suárez
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Première Partie: 1616-1628)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Deuxième Partie: 1628-1637)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Troisième Partie: 1637-1644)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Quatrième Partie: 1645-1650)
Descartes: Biographies, Bibliographies, Dictionnaires, Lexiques
Descartes. Bibliographies, Concordances, Dictionaries, Lexica
Bibliographie des études en français sur la philosophie de Descartes
Bibliography of the studies in English on Descartes' philosophy
Descartes' Ontology: From the Rules for the Direction of the Mind to the Meditations on First Philosophy
Bibliographie sur René Descartes et la recherche de la mathesis universalis
(under construction)
Jan A. Aertsen:
John P. Doyle:
Jean École:
Joseph S. Freedman:
Édouard Jeauneau:
Giorgio Tonelli:
Works in Italian - Scritti in Italiano 1954-1987
Works in Italian - Scritti in Italiano 1987-1995
E. J. Ashworth:
L. M. de Rijk:
Mauro Nasti de Vincentis:
Wilhelm Risse:
Being (linguistic and philosophical perspectives)
Selected Bibliography on Existence in Philosophy
Selected bibliography on the history of the concept of Existence
Bibliography on the Problem of Nonexistent Objects
Bibliography on the History of the Problem of Nonexistent Objects
Substance: ancient (the evolution of the concept from Ancient Greeks to Modern Times)
Substance: modern (the concept of Substance in contemporary analytic philosophy)
Annotated bibliographies:
Metaphysical fundamentality: A-Gia
Metaphysical fundamentality: Gib-P
Metaphysical fundamentality: R-Z
Metaphysical grounding: Cor-Fin
Metaphysical grounding: Fis-Lan
Metaphysical grounding: Lar-Pic
Metaphysical grounding: Ple-Ski
History of metaphysical fundamentality and grounding: A-M
Linguistic Relativism (Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis) vs. Universal Grammar
Universal Ontology vs. Ontological Relativity (under construction)
Selected bibliography on John Poinsot
John Deely. An Annotated bibliography:
Selected bibliography on Existence and Predication
Selected bibliography on Language as Calculus vs. Language as Universal Medium
Bibliographie der deutschen Studien zur Aristoteles Kategorien
Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote
Bibliografia degli studi italiani sulle Categorie di Aristotele
The Stoic Doctrine of Supreme Genera (Categories)
Ancient Greek Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories
The Concept of Truth in Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
Truth in Ancient Greek Authors from Homer to the Hellenistic Period
Theories of Truth in Medieval Philosophy
Truth in Medieval Authors from Hilary of Poitiers to Paul of Venice