Theory and History of Ontology ( Raul Corazzon | e-mail: rc@
First Part (A - K) (Current page)
Abelard, Peter (see Peter Abelard):
Aertsen, Jan Adrianus:
Selected bibliography: Writings in English
Selected bibliography: Writings in German
Albertazzi, Liliana:
Bibliography of Liliana Albertazzi
Alexander of Aphrodisias:
Alexander of Aphrodisias' metaphysics: Annotated bibliography of the studies in English:
Alexandre d'Aphrodise: bibliographie annotée des études en français:
Alessandro di Afrodisia: bibliografia annotata degli studi in italiano
Alexander von Aphrodisias: bibliographie der deutschen Studien
Categories. Annotated bibliography of the studies in English:
Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote (A-F)
Bibliographie des études en français sur les Catégories d'Aristote (G-Z)
Bibliografia degli studi italiani sulle Categorie di Aristotele
Bibliographie der deutschen Studien zur Aristoteles Kategorien
Bibliografía de estudios en español y portugués sobre las Categorías de Aristóteles
Bibliographical Resources on His Logical and Metaphysical Works
Selected bibliography on Aristotle's Concept of Metaphysics
Bibliography on the Ancient Catalogue of Aristotle's Works
Studies in German, French, Italian and Latin
On the website "History of Logic"
Aristtle's Logic: General and Introductory Studies
Alexander of Aphrodisias' logic: Annotated bibliography
Armstrong, David Malet:
Bibliography of D. M. Armstrong
On the website "History of Logic"
Ashworth, Earline Jennifer:
Avicenna (Ibn Sina):
Translations of the Logical and Metaphysical Works
Bergmann, Gustav:
Bibliography of Gustav Bergmann
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus:
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: First Part: A - Gib
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Second Part: Gra - Mez
Boethius' Metaphysics. Studies in English: Third Part: Mic - Z
Boèce: Bibliographie sélective des traductions et des études en français
Boezio: traduzioni Italiane e bibliografia degli studi sulla sua filosofia
Boethius: Übersetzungen und Studien in Deutsch
On the website "History of Logic"
Boethius' Logic as a Discourse on Being
Bolzano, Bernard:
Studies in English:
Bibliography of the English translations
Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Studien
Bernard Bolzano: Traductions et Études en Français (A - L)
Bernard Bolzano: Traductions et Études en Français (M - Z)
Traduzioni e Studi in Italiano
Brentano Franz:
Franz Brentano's Ontological Development and his Immanent Realism
Franz Brentano: Editions and translations
Selected bibliography on the Philosophical Work of Franz Brentano
Studies in English:
Buchler, Justus:
Bibliography of Justus Buchler
Bunge, Mario:
On the website "History of Logic"
Buridan, John (Jean):
Editions, translations and Studies on the Manuscript Tradition
Butchvarov, Panayot:
Bibliography of Panayot Butchvarov
On the website "History of Logic"
Cicero, Marcus Tullius:
Cicero: Logic and Rhetoric in His Philosophical Works
Critical Editions and translations of the Philosophical Works of Cicero
The Philosophical Works of Cicero. A Selected bibliography
Cocchiarella, Nino:
Books and studies about the work of Nino Cocchiarella
De Rijk, Lambertus Marie:
Deely, John: Annotated bibliography
Descartes, René:
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Première Partie: 1616-1628)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Deuxième Partie: 1628-1637)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Troisième Partie: 1637-1644)
René Descartes. Bibliographie Chronologique et Annotée (Quatrième Partie: 1645-1650)
Descartes: Biographies, Bibliographies, Dictionnaires, Lexiques
Descartes. Bibliographies, Concordances, Dictionaries, Lexica
Bibliographie des études en français sur la philosophie de Descartes
Bibliography of the studies in English on Descartes' philosophy
Bibliographie sur René Descartes et la recherche de la mathesis universalis
Diogenes Laertius
Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (A-Lea)
Diogenes Laertius: Selected bibliography of the studies in English (Lew-Z)
Bibliografia degli studi in italiano su Diogene Laerzio
Bibliographie des études en Français sur Diogène Laërce
Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen Studien zu Diogenes Laertios
Doyle, John P.:
Duns Scotus, John:
Bibliography of John Duns Scotus
Englebretsen, George:
Bibliography of George Englebretsen
On the website "History of Logic"
Eudemus of Rhodes:
The Logic of Eudemus of Rhodes
Eriugena, John Scottus (see: John Scottus Eriugena)
Fine, Kit:
Unpublished Papers (available on line)
Kit Fine. Annotated bibliography of the studies on His Philosophy
Freedman, Joseph S.:
Frege, Gottlob:
Grossmann, Reinhardt:
Bibliography of Reinhardt Grossmann
Hartmann, Nicolai:
Bibliography of Nicolai Hartmann
Heidegger, Martin:
Heidegger Gesamtausgabe (Collected Works)
Husserl, Edmund:
Ingarden, Roman:
Bibliography of Roman Ingarden
John of St. Thomas (see Poinsot, John):
John Scottus Eriugena
The Works of Eriugena: Editions and translations
Bibliography on the Philosophical Work of Eriugena:
Kotarbinski, Tadeusz